Daniel Dehennin schrieb:
> Hello,
>> I'm using WPKG client on workstations with run on shutdown to avoid user
>> annoyance.
> [...]
> I plan to create a shutdown task, late at night, but I need to permit
> users to cancel the shutdown if they are using the computer.
> I found "shut it"[1] which seems doing what I want, any advice to
> shutdown computers and permit late workers to prevent (or better delay)
> the shutdown?
> Regards.
> Footnotes: 
> [1]  http://www.delphiness.com/software.htm
The Pstool psshutdown has an option to allow the shutdown to be aborted
by the interactive user too:
I'm very satisfied running wpkg-client 1.3.14 on shutdown on about 85
xp- and w2k- clients, thanks to the developer.
My colleagues administering debian workstations were running
software-updates both on shutdown and on startup.
This could be useful, if you want to deploy a big installation as
openoffice on shutdown and deploy an urgent security-update on startup,
but does not work if a machine has been switched off for a long time.

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