Hello Michael,
> I came across this in the package definitions...
> <download url='http://wpkg.example.com/installers/some.msi' 
> target="installers\some.msi" />
> I wondered if the downloadfile function could be alternately handled
> by BITS or another tool (robocopy/ftp/rsync) to give you a little more
> bandwidth control?
> If anyone has another solution to this I would be interested in
> hearing. Im re-deploying to 200 machine across everything from GB to
> 56k connections overnight.
I'd suggest one of the following, whichever suits your needs first:

- rsyncing/robocopying the whole wpkg directory to a local repository at
a office location, pointing the locally connected stations to it

- instead of using the "download" syntax, just have some script in
install cmd, which does rsync/robocopy the install path for this package
to the %TEMP%/mypackage dir; after successful installation from
%TEMP%/mypackage, start another install cmd which removes
%TEMP%/mypackage (same for upgrade/remove cmds if needed)

- if you have enough space, rsync/robocopy the whole repository to a
local drive, then point wpkg to install from there (you can use e.g.
pre-action command in Wpkg Client for this)

Searching at http://wpkg.org you find e.g.   http://wpkg.org/Pro/ENGINEER
which uses robocopying to local drive:  you could use this as example
for your install script.

Of course you might do the same using BITS: if you have a working
solution, please post it or provide a patch using bugzilla.

Best regards,
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