On 11/10/2010 09:38 AM, jeff_appleg...@fws.gov wrote:

I am getting the error "WNetAddConnection2-> A specified logon session
does not exist. It may already have been terminated." What I have found
is that I have my personal VM that I can run this on perfectly. I just
built up a physical system and I am getting the error listed above. With
my VM the WPKG service starts no problem. With the physical system the
service doesn't start. That is why I believe that I am getting the above
error. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix the error?

Ensure the service is trying to start with the default SYSTEM account, and not as a domain or local computer user. In wpkginst.exe, the "WPKG execution context" will have user set to "SYSTEM" and password unset.

It could also be related to the WPKG path user/password. I use an anonymous read-only Samba share for my WPKG source, so user/password are not necessary. It could be different with domain shares.

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