
On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 8:23 PM, Michael Chinn
<michael.ch...@gbrmpa.gov.au> wrote:
> Bits has some advantages, Namely you can throttle it using a GPO
> Be warned it has a number of disadvantages, no COM interface, it self
> throttles 2 seconds after it detects other traffic which can be annoying

I wonder if one could avoid these disadvantages of BITS by using
wget.exe (from gnuwin32 project) instead.  One could use the "-c" or
"--continue" option to resume partially downloaded files and the
"--limit-rate=RATE" option for throttling downloads.

>From my quick test, it looks like it would require wget.exe as well as
libeay32.dll, libintl3.dll, libiconv2.dll, and ssleay32.dll to be
present on the workstation (but not registered), so all other packages
would probably have to depend on a wget package which installed these

> This nearly worked…
> I had to deploy to about 80 laptops on intermittent connections
> The idea was to have 2 kinds of package…
> PACKAGE: Deploy_acrobat runs once and triggers BITS. Detects if a zip file
> exists at the end
> PACKAGE: Install_Acrobat depends on Deploy_acrobat, has 2 commands… unpacks
> the zip and runs to contained setup.bat

I think one could use the same package strategy with wget.

I've never had a need for such a system, but I thought I'd throw this
out there in case it might help someone else.


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