Am 21.02.2011 14:14, schrieb Natxo Asenjo:
> On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 2:09 PM, Falko Trojahn
> <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 18.02.2011 10:22, wrote Natxo Asenjo:
>>> hi,
>>> is it possible to apply a profile depending on the result of a command?
>> I think this should be possible with recent wpkg.js versions:
>> - create a package "checkpkg" which has one (or more) "execute" check(s)
>> - create a profile (or package) which depends first on this "checkpkg"
>> -> the profile only gets installed when checkpkg is installed,
>>     which is only installed when the execute check returns true ...
> hi again,
> we have two types of servers: fujitsu primergy 300 s3 and dell poweredge r410.
> With wmi I get to check which one is which:
> echo '' | wmic  computersystem get /format:list | findstr /i "PRIMERGYRX300 
> S3"
> echo '' | wmic  computersystem get /format:list | findstr /i "PowerEdge r410"
> if either of those returns 0, then it is either a primergy or a
> poweredge. This works fine.
> I created two new packages:
> <package
>         id="is_poweredge_r410"
>         name="check if this is a Dell PowerEdge R410"
>         revision="1"
>         reboot="false"
>         priority="10000" >
>         <check      type="execute"
> path="%software%\dell-openmanage\check_dell_pe_r410.cmd"
> condition="exitcodeequalto" value="0" />
>     </package>
> <package
>         id="is_primergyrx300_s3"
>         name="check if this is a PRIMERGY RX300 S3"
>         revision="1"
>         reboot="false"
>         priority="10000" >
>         <check      type="execute"
> path="%software%\fujitsu\check_primergyrx300s3.cmd"
> condition="exitcodeequalto" value="0" />
>     </package>
> Then I created 2 new profiles:
> <profile id="primergy_rx300_s3" >
>         <depends    package-id="is_primergyrx300_s3"    />
>         <package    package-id="serverview_raid_32"     />
>         <package    package-id="serverview_agent"       />
>     </profile>
>     <profile id="poweredge_r410" >
>         <depends    package-id="is_poweredge_r410"      />
>         <package    package-id="openmanage-32bit"       />
>     </profile>
> And I added these 2 new profiles to an existing profile, so that if
> the wpkg evaluates what hardware the systems have and automatically
> installs the right software for the servers.
> Unfortunately, it installs everything, so now the test fujitsu server
> also has openmanage from dell :-); I do not have a test dell server
> yet (tomorrow), but so far it is not doing what I want.
> What could be going wrong? I have checked that the fujitsu server does
> not return 0 for the dell check, so why is it installing openmanage?
Did you make the "openmanage-32bit" _package_ depend from package
Cause, regarding priority, wpkg can install  "openmanage-32bit"  before
trying to install "is_primergyrx300_s3" when it has higher priority ...

Just my 2ยข
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