David Petterson <da...@ifm.liu.se> writes:

> I have considered using the check condition for this, but we have a
> range of different Adobe Acrobat versions so the list would be long, and
> I also have to add this to all future patches and make sure they all are
> the same.
> can I use regex in the file path?
> ex %PROGRAMFILES%\Adobe\Acrobat (8|9|10)\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe
> Then I could use this single check to see if any full version of Acrobat
> is installed instead of checking for 8, 9 and 10.
> (all research groups buy their own software licenses so we cant just use
> the latest version for all of them, but we uninstall old versions that
> is not updated anymore by Adobe)

You can use regular expression in uninstall checks.

I don't know the file test code now but I guest it's not implemented, it
will need to expand all the possible pathes and check until one match.

After looking at the code, it's not implemented in wpkg.js, it use
'ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")' and I don't know how it


Daniel Dehennin
RAIP de l'Orne

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