That's the same type of package definition I use for TB add-ons. I'd
double-check that you extracted the XPI correctly and see if it's
actually getting copied to the correct place.

sogo-integrator is not and the link to it's website
from Freshmeat is 404, so maybe the add-on was not updated for the
version of TB you're using? Does it work if you install it manually?

On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 9:49 AM, Donny Brooks <> wrote:
> Hello all,
>     I am trying to get my thunderbird extensions to install via wpkg. I
> finally got my firefox extensions to install but still cannot seem to get my
> thunderbird ones to install. As for firefox I only have done adblock+. On
> Thunderbird I am trying to install the sogo-integrator. Below you will find
> my configs for each.
> It seems to copy the extension over to the machine but thunderbird never
> "sees" it and therefore does not install it. My Tools--> addons-->extensions
> is empty in thunderbird. Anyone have an idea as to why?
> adblock+:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <packages>
> <package
>  id="firefox-adblock64"
>  name="Adblock+"
>  revision="%version%"
>  priority="18">
> <variable name="version" value="1.3.9" />
> <variable name="extid" value="{d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}" />
> <check
>    type="file"
>    condition="exists"
>    path="%PROGRAMFILES% (x86) (x86)\Mozilla
> Firefox\extensions\%extid%\chrome.manifest" />
> <install cmd='%COMSPEC% /C xcopy /E /Y
> "%SOFTWARE%\firefox\adblock\%version%" "%PROGRAMFILES% (x86)\Mozilla
> Firefox\extensions\%extid%\"' />
> <upgrade cmd="taskkill /F /IM Firefox.exe">
> <exit code="0" />
> <exit code="128" />
> <exit code="-1073741515" />
> </upgrade>
> <upgrade cmd='%COMSPEC% /C if exist "%PROGRAMFILES% (x86)\Mozilla
> Firefox\extensions\%extid%" rmdir /q /s "%PROGRAMFILES% (x86)\Mozilla
> Firefox\extensions\%extid%"' />
> <upgrade cmd='%COMSPEC% /C xcopy /E /Y
> "%SOFTWARE%\firefox\adblock\%version%" "%PROGRAMFILES% (x86)\Mozilla
> Firefox\extensions\%extid%\"' />
> <remove cmd="taskkill /F /IM Firefox.exe">
> <exit code="0" />
> <exit code="128" />
> <exit code="-1073741515" />
> </remove>
> <remove cmd='%COMSPEC% /C if exist "%PROGRAMFILES% (x86)\Mozilla
> Firefox\extensions\%extid%" rmdir /q /s "%PROGRAMFILES% (x86)\Mozilla
> Firefox\extensions\%extid%"' />
> </package>
> </packages>
> sogo-integrator:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <packages>
> <package
>     id="sogo-integrator64"
>     name="SOGo integrator extension"
>     revision="2011.07.14.02"
>     reboot="false"
>     priority="18">
> <check type="file" condition="exists" path="%PROGRAMFILES% (x86)\Mozilla
> Thunderbird\extensions\{3550f703-e582-4d05-9a08-453d09bdfdc6}\install.rdf"
> />
> <install cmd='cmd.exe /C xcopy /Q /I /E /Y
> "%SOFTWARE%\thunderbird\extensions\sogo-integrator\{3550f703-e582-4d05-9a08-453d09bdfdc6}"
> "%PROGRAMFILES% (x86)\Mozilla
> Thunderbird\extensions\{3550f703-e582-4d05-9a08-453d09bdfdc6}"' />
> <upgrade cmd='cmd.exe /C xcopy /Q /I /E /Y
> "%SOFTWARE%\thunderbird\extensions\sogo-integrator\{3550f703-e582-4d05-9a08-453d09bdfdc6}"
> "%PROGRAMFILES% (x86)\Mozilla
> Thunderbird\extensions\{3550f703-e582-4d05-9a08-453d09bdfdc6}"' />
> <remove cmd='cmd.exe /C rmdir /S /Q "%PROGRAMFILES% (x86)\Mozilla
> Thunderbird\extensions\{3550f703-e582-4d05-9a08-453d09bdfdc6}"' />
> </package>
> </packages>
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