Am 05.12.2011 20:41, schrieb Rainer Meier:
Hi Joe,

On 05.12.2011 20:18, Joe wrote:
So a 32 bit client running under windows 64 bit on 64 bit hardware
detects as 32 bit?

Yes it does. And yes, it is correct bahavior from WPKG point of view.
The reason is that in case WPKG (WSH script) runs in 32-bit WSH
interpreter, then it has no possibilities to access virtualized 64-bit
file system or registry elements.

As a result WPKG running in 32-bit WSH environment can only work with
32-bit software. For example checking uninstall entries for 64-bit
software is not possible when WPKG is running wrongly in 32-bit WSH

Though you can still run 32-bit WPKG client if you manually run
%SystemRoot%\sysnative\cscript.exe instead of 32-bit cscript.exe. But I
strongly recommend to use 64-bit WPKG client directly.

Only when run in 64-bit WSH environment WPKG can work with all 64-bit
system properties, and only in this setup it makes sense to detect the
system as being a 64-bit system.

IMHO wpkg.js should stop immediately if invoked in 32 bit context on a 64 bit system (or better: in another context than stored in wpkg.xml) unless forced to continue by a command-line option. Sometimes wpkg.js may be run in the wrong context simply by accident. wpkg.js always uses the same wpkg.xml, but packages commands and checks will behave different. So this will be a source of troubles, and the cause may be hard to detect for the unexperienced wpkg user.

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