2011/12/20 Bruno CHOQUET <bruno.choq...@unicaen.fr>:
> Hello,
> 350 computers have a profile named "CommonTools". Into the profile
> "CommonTools", there are 30 packages like Firefox, Thunderbid, Foxit,
> Notepad++,...
> But i don't want than the computer "TOTO" instal the package "Foxit". How to
> exclude the computer "TOTO"  in package "Foxit" ?
> An idee, please ?


Rename the CommonTools profile to CommonToolsLite, give the
CommonToolsLite profile to TOTO.
Then create a new profile named CommonTools that depends on profile-id
CommonToolsLite, and includes package-id Foxit.

Do it all in a development environmen first, to make sure you have no
spelling errors, as a minor error may trigger an uninstall of all the
packages from your computers.

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