Hi Michael,

On 21.12.2011 23:01, Michael MacKay wrote:
I am trying to deploy a patch for some custom software supplied by our parent
company. They send it as an .exe (no silent option), which I extract it, it is
basically a batch scripted update. I can run the batch file on a workstation and
it works but running into problems running it via WPKG. It is a 200+ line batch
file but I believe the issue has to do with the %cd% (current directory)
variable. Early in the script it has this:

set CURDIR="%cd%"

%COMSPEC% (cmd.exe) does not support running from an UNC path as the working directory. If a *.cmd script is run from UNC path as with WPKG (\\server\path\script.cmd) then the working directory is set to some local path.

Try the following instead:

set CURDIR=%~dp0

This will set CURDIR to the drive and path of the script the term is used within. It supports UNC paths.

So if the script using %~dp0 is located at \\server\share\path\script.cmd then CURDIR will be set to \\server\share\path\

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