:) I agree, just wanted to point that out. Thanks for clarifying.

Dne 15.5.2012 16:16, Rainer Meier napsal(a):
Hi Semián,

On 15.05.2012 15:41, Semián Matěj wrote:
It does not work for version checks.. So be avare of this in your


File version check for file
'H:\WINDOWS\System32\Macromed\Flash\Flash32_11_2_202_235.ocx' returned
false for
operation type versiongreaterorequal.
Checking file version is versiongreaterorequal (than)
- got result -1.

It was never claimed to work like this. Version is clearly
a different string than 11_2_202_235 and therefore it's not equal.

I've even tried to point this out in my first reply. Since for WPKG
there are not version delimiters (".") in the underscored version string
it is regarded as being "one version component". As a result WPKG
compares the first components which means it's comparing 11 against
"11_2_202_235". Internally WPKG assures that both string get equal
number of components:


Which makes WPKG finally believe that is a lower version
than 11_2_202_235.

And before you ask. I thought about accepting underscores as component
delimiters seamlessly as dots. But finally I came to the conclusion that
it's a bad idea as some underscores might be used by some software in
the same way as dashes are used sometimes:

- 1.0
- 1.0-1 (or 1.0_1)
- 1.1-0 (or 1.1_0)
- 1.1-1 (or 1.1_1)
- 1.1-2 (or 1.1_2)

I believe that the current algorithm is very stable and flexible. But
comparing two completely differently formatted version string is almost
impossible to do with full automatic detection. So for flash you might
either define two variables with dotted and underscored versions or just
use either of them. But do not mix.

If you're checking for file version of a file which has the version
already in the file name itself, then a simple file exist check should
be sufficient as it's extremely unlikely that a file named
Flash32_11_2_202_235.ocx contains a version other than


S pozdravem
Matěj Semián

Stavební bytové družstvo POKROK
Kollárova 157/18, Praha 8
tel. 225 339 402

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