Thanks Jeff.  I think I'll dispense with the figures; they clearly aren't 
helping.  I will add definitions, though.  All the best.  Tim.

On 2012-09-04, at 7:22 PM, "=JeffH" <> wrote:

> > Colleagues - Here's a 00 I-D on trust models.
> >
> >
> >
> > Please take a moment to look it over and comment.  I need your help to
> > correct and complete it.
> It appears to be a good start, thanks for writing it up.
> An overall +1 to AGL's comments.  I think some definitions of terms would 
> also help, such as at least these..
>  Unaffiliated user
>  Certificate User
>  Policy Management Authority
>  certificate-holder certificate
> ..though all the terms for "functions of the Web PKI" should probably be at
> least briefly defined.
> Also, are figures 5 and 6 inter-related?  on it's own I don't understand fig 
> 5,
> and it almost seems fig 6 continues fig 5.
> In general, perhaps it'd help to describe in (much) more detailed prose what 
> fig 1 is attempting to represent.  eg, I don't understand the overlapping 
> boxes, and don't know if you're referring to them in the last paragraph of 
> section 1, or referring to the "stacked" boxes of the underlying large box.
> HTH,
> =JeffH
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