In addition to agreeing with Sean's comments, I have a two more. First, 
references are normally not used in IETF WG charters. The references here could 
easily be removed without making the charter any worse.

Mor significantly:  Is there a document missing? "The effectiveness of the Web 
PKI depends critically upon decisions made by its users in response to 
information provided in the user interfaces of its various components.  
Therefore, such information should be accurate and complete, yet 
comprehensible.  While recording the design details of the user interfaces of 
specific products is not necessary, state changes that are visible to, and/or 
controlled by, the user should be captured." Capturing state changes that are 
visible to the user doesn't seem to be part of "trust model", "certificate, 
CRL, and OCSP field and extension processing", "certificate revocation", or 
"TLS stack operation".

Possibly the last document could be expanded to "TLS stack operation and 
interaction with the browser". Alternately, a document about visible state 
changes in web browsers could be added to the list of documents. A third option 
is to drop the paragraph if the group believes that adding this would be to 
difficult to do cleanly.

--Paul Hoffman
wpkops mailing list

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