On Jan 31, 2013, at 12:47 AM, Adrian Farrel <adr...@olddog.co.uk> wrote:

> In my re-draft I have tried to retain some of the background, but to 
> reorganise
> the text so that it more pithily describes the working group.

That is appropriate for a WG charter. It is especially appropriate here because 
the WG is not developing protocols.

> I present it as an offering at your altar, not as a mandatory change. I don't
> want to get in the way of the formation of this WG, but I would like to use 
> the
> week remaining before the IESG telechat to try to get a better charter. If the
> mailing list says "We spent a lot of effort crafting the current text. We like
> it. It is good" then I am likely to back down.

We did not spend much effort crafting the current text, as can be seen from the 
short length of the BoF archives.

I think Adrian's proposal is better than the original because it lets people 
not yet active in the WG know better what the WG is supposed to be doing.

--Paul Hoffman
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