Colleagues.  The IETF has approved a meeting of the WPKOPS working group during 
its upcoming meeting in Vancouver.

I am compiling an agenda, and the chairs welcome suggestions from the members.  
Below you'll find a preliminary draft.

While our deliverables must be confined to the scope as defined in the charter, 
we are allowed (even encouraged) to discuss a broader range of topics; making 
the most of the opportunity afforded by the presence in one place of so many 
experts on the topic of the Web PKI.

So, if there are related topics on which you would like to present, or topics 
on which you would like to see some discussion, please let us know.

Thanks a lot.  All the best. Tim.

7 Nov, 15:20<x-apple-data-detectors://0> (tentative)

1. Introductory remarks (appointment of note taker, Jabber scribe, IP 
statement, agenda bashing) - chairs - 10 mins

2. Project update - chairs - 10 mins

3. Status reports

3a. Trust models - author - 20 mins

3b. Cert/CRL/OCSP processing - author - 20 mins

3c. Revocation - author - 20 mins

4. Open mic. - 40 mins
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