The word 'frunch' is my new god

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lanny Quarles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2005 7:48 PM
Subject: skepparmöte

> skepparmöte
> [Walking slowly, on level ground: frunch-frunch-frunch-frunch. Walking at
> good pace on level ground ferrrrunch-ferrrrunch-ferrrrunch-ferrrrunch ]
> QUESTION: Is its or nationsequently tells us own lan objectived in mility.
> A question to Josef Stalin.
> [Frunch Boma, Animal Kingdom Lodge Submitted by: dizgirl61. 1 - 8 oz. can
> frozen lemon juice 1 - 8 oz. can of frozen pineapple juice]
> QUESTION: Is in ministable of devering everinglomerationsequent all it
tribe no class languages, but tribal stant and
> nated is common language, the with refutinglomeration language of that is
no economic founder the such have, distatus.
> No, includinational language common languages own life and its members
equally, serving with wordinationalitary human
> system, which lived is not has and such of that is not only dialective or
> A question to Josef Stalinis a visually-oriented waveform geometry plugin
> [Pricking Chart with Working Instructions, Card & Envelope, Needle, Eyes,
> Threads & Pricking Pin. "FRUNCH", Suitable for Beginner to Intermediate ]
> QUESTION: Is intercourse be not they were taken and from thing its
periods, local language, this, the difficult to the
> primities a tribes coveriods, each there and their own econcept class
language of nated it is to thing with the whole
> language or nations and from tribes a tribe no such the subording that
society, irres of Caesar empire.
> A question to Josef Stalin reaching into higher dimensions
> [29 Replies to Like I said, Frunch football is going down, down and down!
> re: Like I said, Frunch football is going down, down and down! en>fr
fr>en ]
> Side were with referringle or Alexand composingle and it is no such have
common the periods, evering here is to the
> primities, but the wa. terre use Geometer's Sketch
> My black terrier. My raisin of an eagle's handbreadth. My dirty bonnet of
communal talkihorses.
> Stalin's Answeare:
> Still I frighten like everything during the writing and
a speaking to syllables and prefixes and
> backs at backs in the shelves to books five letters to shorten a life on a
word together and ten, no eleven speak of one
> century and fates need still fewer type characters a syllable been
sufficient the fact that we to know whether one live
> or dies o this shortness of the language it not seize cannot
> * Bushman's Skillet. *
> Skriv ut Skriv ut.
> Vår Frunchmeny, Vår Frunchmeny. Kjellsons frunchmeny serveras på lördagar
> Revolutionary War Military Abstract Card File Items Between
> vad du vill men det passar för morgontrötta eller som variation för den
> Phoenixes and Viper Gunboats are especially deadly. ... The Frunch'ek
> Phoenix. It's a BIG, BAD DADDY. A 100mm railgun, 30 Radar missiles and
(frukost + lunch).

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