bosky dendroglyph
will high-fountain tel
eel for tor krater loom
dark appendage nod

could this delimit
the auspecies of the narrow
-necked vase (vas differens)?

what seemingly, locally &
temporally, would be
a "small-bodied" vas(T)

recalling pendant
or paradox, clues
or pandora's configuring
the self-organized boxing
shadows, but then evidence
or at least the narrow-necked
vas(T) could except any alternate
reading, what time wouldn't
allow, what poverty, what riches
among the filters' setups. [UR]
one never knows but by evidences

so how to see this vase?
how to configure what pandora?
surely the generative scoring?
the basilisk of ordered memories
should shed? else a portrait
of collapse, said it tries,
absolute wonder at what went
before, now such dried tendrils
ring the mouth of the "small bodied"

what differens doves itsmake?

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