---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2005 06:37:40 -0700
From: World Wildlife Fund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Alan Sondheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: WWF July E-Newsletter: Help WWF Name a Borneo Pygmy Elephant!


 World Wildlife Fund
 E-newsletter for a Living Planet
 July 2005


In this issue
  *Protecting Borneo's Pint-sized Pachyderms
  *New Fishing Hooks Save Sea Turtles
  *Help Protect America's Roadless Areas
  *Saving Big Cats with Just Pennies

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* Hot Topics *

A Message from WWF's New President


World's Largest Freshwater Fish Caught


Wildfinder: Mapping the World's Species


New Guinea: The Largest Tropical Island


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* Do You Know? *

What is the largest predator found in Madagascar?

a. Fossa


b. Ring-tailed lemur


c. Aye-aye


d. Leopard


Question submitted by:

Have a great animal question?
Email it to us!  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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* Celebrity Species*
Protecting Borneo's Pint-sized Pachyderms

They're smaller, chubby, gentle-natured - and found nowhere else
on Earth. Pygmy elephants of Borneo are a major conservation
priority as there are probably fewer than 1,500 of them in the
wild. WWF and the Sabah (Malaysia) Wildlife Department are
protecting these pint-sized pachyderms by fitting six of them
with high-tech GPS collars this summer to track their movements
and learn more about where conservation efforts are most needed
to protect these small and gentle forest dwellers. View a
slideshow of the first-ever collaring of a pygmy elephant on the
WWF Web site.


Name that Elephant!
We need YOUR help to name one of the elephants we will be
collaring! Suggest a name for one of the female pygmy elephants,
and then vote for your favorite name from the finalists next


Pygmy Elephant (Elephas maximus borneensis)
Habitat: Found only on the northeast tip of Malaysian Borneo
Diet: Leaves, trees, grasses and shrubs
Threats: Habitat loss and illegal poaching
Fun Fact: Pygmy elephants were long thought to be remnants of a
domesticated herd given to the Sultan of Sulu in the 17th
century and released in Sabah, but are now believed to be a
separate subspecies.

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* In the Field*
New Fishing Hooks Save Endangered Sea Turtles

Preliminary results from the first test of newly designed
fishing hooks - for which WWF provided financial and logistical
support - indicate that the number of endangered sea turtles
killed in long line fishing operations can be reduced by as much
as 90 percent. Additionally, these hooks have no adverse effects
on the target species that fishermen are after. This is a
win-win situation as endangered sea turtles are being protected
and fishermen are keeping their livelihoods. Learn more about
this amazing innovation that could help save sea turtles around
the world.


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*Get Involved*
Help Protect America's Roadless Areas

Despite overwhelming public support for the 2001 rule protecting
America's national forest roadless areas, the Bush administration
threw out this conservation strategy and substituted a plan that
requires governors to petition the federal government for
protection of roadless areas in their states. This new rule will
open millions of acres of forestland to energy development and
logging. Here's something positive you can do in response to the
administration's plan: show your support for legislation that
would make the Roadless Conservation Rule of 2001 a law.


We have two new cards of Borneo pygmy elephants available! Send
one to your friends and invite them to help us name one of our


Panda Tracks: Taken a spectacular vacation lately? Sign up for
WWF's Travel Program e-newsletter for some great travel ideas
and start planning your next amazing trip to exciting
destinations around the world. Sign up today!


The Magnificent Tiger
Tigers are one of the most fearsome predators in the world - but
they are also one of the most endangered. Help protect these
beloved big cats.


Help WWF Protect Tigers in the Wild Today!


* Friends of WWF *

Saving Big Cats with Just Pennies

Coinstar, Inc., with a network of close to 12,000 coin-counting
machines located in supermarkets nationwide, is supporting WWF's
Pennies for the Planet program. From Aug. 1 - Sept. 30, 2005, by
donating $15 or more to WWF through a Coinstar? Machine, you can
receive Sundar?, a limited edition Beanie Baby?, by following
instructions on the Coinstar receipt.


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Meet Giraffe - New from Build-A-Bear Workshop?

On August 12, Build-A-Bear Workshop stores across the country,
including its web store, will introduce Giraffe, the sixth
limited edition stuffed toy animal in a series that benefits
WWF. Build-A-Bear Workshop donates $1 to WWF for every Giraffe
sold, and on August 13 and 14 they will generously double that



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email address we have in our records for you is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please visit your preference page to subscribe to other
interesting WWF e-Newsletters, change your email address, or to
opt-out from any further online communications from WWF.

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World Wildlife Fund
1250 24th Street, NW Washington, DC 20037

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