---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2005 04:45:17 -0400
From: WWF Conservation Action Network <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Alan Sondheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Thanks for taking action

Dear Alan,

Thank you for urging your representative to cosponsor the National Forest 
Roadless Area Conservation Act of 2005.

You can make a huge difference by taking a few seconds to urge your friends to 
take this action as well.  See the suggested text, below.


Bob Irvin
U.S. Ecoregional Conservation
World Wildlife Fund


Dear Friends:

I just used World Wildlife Fund's free Conservation Action Network to help 
protect America's threatened national forest roadless areas.  I urge you to 
take action, too.

You may have heard the bad news recently that the Bush administration has 
thrown out a 2001 rule protecting America's 58.5 million acres of national 
forest roadless areas and substituted a plan that will likely result in 
millions of acres of wild forestland being opened up to energy development and 

Here's something positive you can do in response:  show your support for 
legislation that would make the Roadless Conservation Rule of 2001 a law.

Roadless areas include many of the country's last great wildlands and are home 
to some of our most magnificent wildlife, including bald eagles, grizzly bears, 
gray wolves, elk, and salmon.  These areas protect freshwater supplies for 
local communities, provide recreational opportunities, and serve countless 
other purposes.

Reps. Jay Inslee (D-Wash.) and Sherwood Boehlert (R-N.Y.) will soon be 
introducing legislation to make the 2001 Roadless Area Conservation Rule a law. 
 They are seeking other members of Congress to be original cosponsors of the 

To learn more and send a letter to your representative in Congress, go to the 
Conservation Action Network at 
http://takeaction.worldwildlife.org/action/index.asp?step=2&item=26419.  Please 
ask your friends to take this action also.  Thanks!


Your message below was sent to:
Representative Major R. Owens

Representative Major R. Owens
United States House of Representatives
2309 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC   20515-2478

Dear Representative Owens,

I urge you to be an original cosponsor of the National Forest Roadless Area 
Conservation Act of 2005, bipartisan legislation to be introduced soon by Reps. 
Sherwood Boehlert (R-N.Y.) and Jay Inslee (D-Wash.) that would codify the 
Roadless Area Conservation Rule promulgated in early 2001.

This legislation is more urgently needed than ever.  In early May, the Bush 
administration repealed the 2001 Roadless Conservation Rule and set in place 
its own process, which requires governors to petition the Agriculture 
Department for protection of roadless areas in their states.  The end result is 
likely to be that millions of acres of wild forestland are opened to energy 
development and logging.

If you have already agreed to support this important legislation, thank you for 
recognizing the value of protecting our nation's roadless areas.

The American public has long made known its strong support for roadless areas.  
The vast majority of the 4.2 million comments the Forest Service received 
during its 2004 comment period on the Roadless Rule called for a strong 
protection plan.

Roadless areas in our national forests are vital resources that must be 
protected.  They provide refuge for wildlife, reservoirs for plant life, and 
protection for freshwater supplies for local communities.  Sadly, more than 
two-thirds of the national forest system is crisscrossed by 380,000 miles of 
roads (enough to circle the planet more than 16 times) that break up habitat, 
cause soil erosion, and leave fragmented stands of timber vulnerable to 
disease.  The Forest Service estimates that without the Roadless Rule, 
Americans could lose as many as 6 million acres of roadless forestland over the 
next 20 years.

Please do all you can to support the Boehlert/Inslee National Forest Roadless 
Area Conservation Act.


Alan Sondheim
432 Dean St
Brooklyn, NY 11217-2011

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