a few animals is no animals
if any then
as long as there's one
and the memory of one
it's ok
i remember a pig
now the atomic pill
specly develop for cuicid bommers
        jkgh bkj        hiuf    iu      hj      hfjk    hf      f       f       

twocomponent micro fusion
tuerns you into the sun
with added vitamins and mineral
joke is harmless
no but we may laugh
it doesn't mean we
anyone who is is serious anyway
otherwise you wouldn't be
we're equal in seriousity
it's seriousness
seriousity is more dangerous
a tower of dark
it's possible to jump off seriousity
but not seriousness
i'm serious
what is it
time moves on, it can't be serious
the seed
how to integrate our knowledge
we know too much to be who we are
yes? doesn't the fly?
i don't think the fly knows how it's made up and all
suppose it does?
i'm looking at it
they must be artists or something
do we find reflection?
life forms
oh, so it's life?
what do you mean?
how dare you i'm not a fly
you're busy like a fly


ser du d d d d d d d d f f f f f f f hun hun hun hun uhn hn hn huin hiun

what is the human in me?
to look at the fly i guess
to be not who we are
that's a nice end
it's not an end, it's a mirror
the fly is in the window
is it because it's reflecting?
it just wants to get out probably
do we want to get out?
of our reflecting?
then the mirror becomes a window
and you'll be the fly
another thing, is there a combined window-mirror?
r=:e    kkitevgej
tnerbBl,                ks,v    h=:r
,htkurbenoBE    O
then you have direction
what is direction?
the fly on one side, the human on the other
doesn't it mean that the fly sees me, but not i the fly?
and am i not supposed to reflect on the fly?
only when you're both on the same side
i don't understand
if the fly is on the other side you won't see it
why, because it's gone, doing it's thing, flying about
but doesn't that diminish reflection?
        tkurb|.re,mmok|.        kkif,rt||0.G
1ffb5d63545e61376316d6bdf4ac4109ffoh|.tn        ulb|.eri        
k       ilB_nn, rbB_rev,tskobB_ererp,oB_l
degnprs|        ?,bdefhijklnoprtu/,ekmnor
radar is a reflection, not everything is shown
depends what you send out, there's the reflecting surface, the medium
does the fly know about that
forget the fly, it's gone
what about the radar, is it gone?
you want to know, so it's not gone
and you answer, so it's pinging in
would you want to be a fly?
and if you had to choose between fly and human?
klmnoprstuvwåæ*B_,b',-1BDFHS_B_,                d

who is choosing, the fly or the human?
let's say your soul chooses
my soul chooses nothing
and why?
there's no why, because nothing happened
then why did nothing happen?
it didn't
then why is it in past tense?
it isn't
it was?

what was?
the past tense
and what was it?
it was past tense
and what is it now?
past tense is past tense
so it is was?
yes like nothing is nothing
like in the radar-reflecting window
asking about the fly
the fly was
but at least we know if it was inside or outside the window
we get the outside when it's gone
but while inside, nothing
so what is past tense now then?
i'll tell you when it happens
when will it happen?
when it's gone


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you see therare lines goingthrough
he's abladderofackedtalk
you kindoffeelinacartoon
support from the floor
ceiling comes down
why readmeaning intoit

esen    t?person,vhengig?sk,blunt.|hv
else decoration
whenis meaning decoration
sure, nothing
beautinvites interprenetation
diffrent words samthing
difrentthingsame wordr

F312S   DG312SDF3
l_,buhuffsouldegj       øre_Bj,geveitikke_Bne

lost or loosing
activity is pacifying
like the proactive is activating
sure it's contra
impossible impossible
how do people cope
they dont
all nonsense about no thing
you never saw more of him than after he left
and he never leaves because he's gonna
this text is also nothing
forget it now
it was barely written
you may need the subject
kindof repeats itall
just pingping ys you're hereherehear
pingpong ys yr ballstill intact
he was right intuitively i didn't realize

oneotoothreofive ocloserock
seixofseverrineoc sld rock
ead Consist ($largely$head Consist ($largelyneeding ($liquid, /* -- al
The ($two, $binary, $slatesConsist ($largely , $re, $ag is a few animals

wereroegooonarororororo heieheie
beforea feeling settles
oh the ecstasy which
whereis i
points on a plane
2 male
($largely ,carw ($from, $que, $wait.., $wanted, /* -- al the ($unit,
$can, $be, $transmitted, /* -- al // the remainder not in use, just//,
$|, $|__|, $|, $|, $|, $|___, $ riffle ($willy, $give, $miaow,

not to ask are yo then a fascisc
burn energy
here o violence is power
touched by lightening
this is the line
to know the truth is always bad
in dead perspective
position has no speed
potential energy
wants to get out probably do we want to get out? of our reflecting? then
the mirror becomes a window yes? $fairytransmitter ($inte
0d205b5f6172632e686976655f5d20756e73(!-- soft v (/ ( =" (/) ( = =""
go there
go is dead
knew no one and no one knewm
why is that
what we see in nature and culture is abundance, promiscuity, violence, death
well there's an inside to it
is there?
if you could have an audience by sitting still doing nothing
moving is not moving
surfing the rocks
reflection, not everything is shown 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 ()(
2 =", 0 , 2 , 2 -" 0 ( ( =" () (() (!-- cgi script by MWP (/(/ ( ="" =""
="" value="http://arosei () ( =()( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ( =" (/
( depends what you send out, there's the reflecting surface, the medium
many ways of getting out of yourself
with too much energy
can there be too much, well, for others
which explains
a small-world network is one where certain nodes called hubs have an
unusually large number of connections, so that going through hubs
one can reach any other node in just a few steps. In real-life
small-world networks, researchers have observed "critical"
thresholdsfor example, epidemics that spread uncontrollably or
spontaneously die out, depending on thresholds in the disease's
degree of infectivity or in the number of social contacts
individuals have. But network theory has so far been poor at
modeling critical thresholds.  Now, it's been shown that small-world
networks can model critical thresholds if one tunes the hubs to be LESS
INFLUENTIAL on their neighbors than the ordinary nodes [...]
surprisingly.. Influence? What affects me, but there's also the quest or
preservanc of identity, which acts as the invertor, say, as lense.
For example, a friend's opinion could be more influential in shaping
your voting preferences than the opinion of a prominent TV commentator,
whose wide audience makes him a hub in the network.
It seems cultural.. Under fascism what? Critical invertor, negative
leader, non con duc tive..
The tuning idea, the paper shows, is mathematically equivalent to
cutting off most of a hub's connections.   The authors also say their
results could shed light on, and perhaps help prevent, phenomena such
as electrical blackouts and epidemics.
It doesn't explain why epidemic-hubs should be less influential?
The new model even suggests a  parallel between networks and general
relativity since trading in the interactions between nodes for changes
in the network's structure is reminiscent of the gravitational
interactions between bodies---gravitational attraction---which can be
mimicked by changes in the structure of spacetime---that is, the
curvature created by the presence of mass.
Whatever, a huge mass (hub) shapes the space, which then shapes the
trajectories (influence)? Black holes attract less? Anti-gravitation?
I don't understand anything oftheworld
That lot is worth less than the other lot
why, it's just a place like another place
It's near the railroad
So it's more noisier, but also makes it worth less?
Fewer people wants it
We're getting closer
And they're always competing
Number of people decides value more or less
So value is a very simple quantity
Like price
Another thing, if shops sold $1 it would cost 2 or 3
If everyone wants it what would be the price?
There's sacrifice and suicide-bombers
Will it ever be inverted like these guys say, hubs etc?
If bin Laden spoke on TV he would have LESS influence
Everything reaches its
What would banalization be?
There's no need for it, or there's plenty for all
Like suffering
A pun there's no need for suffering
So there's the two attractor and attracted
Active hub is less active than our idea
That's why they were afraid of bin Laden
And increased his influence by passivating him
Secret of the martyrs
I have pacified myself
If you have no influence you must be the epidemic
Digressing constantly
The horse is down from the mountain
Okay, value is scarceness, is this a hub clue
When not so scarce, less value, influence
If you're looking for value you shold look for nothing
Does it apply to meaning
Meaning is value potential, immanent, kind of property
Scarceness? Domain of reference?
If what I mean by this word embraces everyting, then it's meaningless?
If it's a lot, then it has meaning, the lot has a value
This is worth a lot, no, this is a lot of worth
A lot is scarce, that's why it's called a lot
The new is of worth because it's the first
All these things are relative
TV hub artificial gravitation
Saying 'all' is banal in itself
It's lacking scarceness
But doesn't that make it full of value again
The lacking of it is scarce
And itself?
Is value value to value
Does identity have value?
let's say your soul chooses ( ="(/ ()
The shop would say it has more
Does more people want it later on?
Quantity, but quantity is of identicals
Let's say words, their faces are identical at least
The mathematical unit
The lot, geo-mathematics?
Is mathematics dependent on it being endless numbers
More numbers later on
Say a math with only 1-10
The highest value 10
Communism should refute infinities, the earth is small after all
Beyond 10 is in reality corruption
When the values are lower than allowed
Higher whatever

limimikk        gjsf,søfre_,sf*-r,ene_,,s
inbox was coffinbox sure good joke
might even be true
whats revealed
"Aaaaaah, I'm Melting....."
witch, witch

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