This is why I permit my box to get stuffed beyond
compare, she said, pulling the chicken bones outta her


--- Alan Sondheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Art and experiment, vision of the PLAGUE
> The IMAGE of three folding wooden rulers, German,
> millimeter rules:
> PLACE these in a triangular configuration: two from
> the wall down,
> one across the endpoints of the two. AS IF these
> formed an equilateral
> triangle, however BROKEN by virtue of the WEIGHT of
> the wood, the
> intrusion of the physico-inert into the
> virtual-inert of the static
> euclidean WORLD.
> I do not know or give their LENGTH.
> Remnant of memory: Early 1970s Bykert Gallery NY
> show: collapsed hyper-
> cube made from nylon cord - topological accuracy but
> disrupted per-
> ception. The IDEAL held; the perceptual-real, i.e.
> constructed meaning,
> collapsed.
> No progress now: This current work represents no
> progress whatsoever;
> the theme is tackled with only the DISTINCTION: the
> topological is
> trivial (a loop) or absent (an irrelevant loop). The
> ANALOGIC, the ideal DIGITAL, a world of zero
> tolerance - well, perhaps
> analogic as well.
> Can this be? A zero-tolerance analogic world? A
> wave-equation collapse
> or even rounding-off - that REWRITES the digital,
> permanent markers? Or rather, perhaps it is the
> zero-tolerance digital
> world that REWRITES and analogic, REINSERTS within
> the analogic.
> What of this REWRITE? I have often said: I write
> myself into existence.
> I write myself out of existence. And ONLINE? See
> early Internet Text,
> Nettext sections: Existence is equivalent to
> insertion ends (and this is insertion THROUGH the
> mediation of digital/
> analogic means INTO the analogic WETWARE of the
> perceiving SUBJECT),
> MEANING begins.
> The ANALOGIC measurement of the rulers, with WEIGHT
> and problematic or
> rough TOLERANCE, is the measure of MEANING as well,
> coupled with the
> idealized MIRRORING of the digital within the
> analogic (as if the
> analogic were a cast-off of the digital, or as if
> the digital were a
> cast-off of the analogic).
> The rulers, in their UNGAINLY stance, are a source
> the DIS/EASE of GRAVITY. A straight-line bending,
> inconceivable! The
> misplacement of tolerance: Unforgivable!
> Yet this is what we are confronting in our
> cultural-political world
> today: digital laissez-faire and the bending of the
> analogic, as RULES,
> not rulers, are bent to meet every contingency: Let
> us, for example,
> over-develop this nation, these wetlands, this war,
> in the guise of the
> ABSOLUTE - of freedom, of god, of Capital. As with
> the Procrustean
> Bed: Cut off what doesn't fit! Purify at all costs!
> In this regard, the
> future is always already cleared, cleansed, and
> ready for action.
> (All development is over-development or
> under-development.)
> Back in the Gallery: I will gather the rulers, take
> them with me across
> the United States, sleeping, measuring only the
> unease of dreams. Four
> of them, found in a small second-hand shop in
> Copperton, Utah, next to
> the Bingham Copper Mine excavation, the largest
> human-made scar on the
> face of the earth. Next time, the plague.
> _

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