( with guest readers

       Elaine Kass

       Kirpal Gordon

       Steve Dalachinksy

       Cooper Moore)




Monday, September 19
8:00 P.M.


The Poetry Project at St. Mark's Church
131 E. 10th St.
New York, NY 10003

Vernon Frazer has published 8 books of poetry and 3 books of fiction. His
work has appeared in Aught, Big Bridge, First Intensity, Jack Magazine, Lost
and Found Times, Moria, Miami Sun Post, Muse Apprentice Guild, Sidereality,
Xstream, and many other literary magazines. His web site is Most recent works are the long poems "Avenue Noir"
and Improvisations (Beneath the Underground), the now-c! ompleted work that he
introduced in his 2001 reading at the Poetry Project. Frazer lives most of
the year in South Florida.  Elaine Kass, Kirpal Gordon, Steve Dalachinsky
andCooper Moore will assist Frazer in reading from the "orchestrated text"
of Improvisations.

David Antin is a poet, performance artist, art and literary critic
internationally known for his "talk pieces" -- improvisational blends of
comedy, story and social commentary. New Directions has published three
books of these "talk pieces" - Talking at the Boundaries (1976), Tuning
(1984), and What It Means To Be Avant-Garde (1993). Tuning was awarded the
prize for poetry for 1984 by the PEN Center of Los Angeles. Much of his
earlier poetry was collected in Selected Poems 1963-1973 published by Sun
and Moon Press in 1991. Dalkey Archive recently republished his 1972 book
talking (originally published by Kulchur Foundation) with a Preface by
Marjorie Perloff and a Post! face by David Antin. Granary Books recently
published A Conversation with David Antin, the text of a 3 month email
conversation between David Antin and Charles Bernstein. A new collection of
talk pieces, i never knew what time it was, has just been published by the
University of California Press. His Selected Essays are being prepared for
publication by the University of Chicago Press. He spent the Winter of 2002
as a Fellow at the Getty Research Institute.

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