Was waitin' to meet those other certified high schoolers in 1988 who was
inspired. Was inspired to be free from that adolescent chain, but couldn't
tell what was inspirin'. Was public schools that was as inspirin' as any
others. Was writin' rhymes in spiral notebooks and didn't know any friends
who was. Was doin' that for years already and reading them to Caroline in
the band room every day. Was both of us percussionists and often doing
nothin' while the flutes or clarinets rehearsed. Was never really competent
in readin' and writin' and grammarin'. Was definitely not 'rithmatical
although a love of baseball loved me with statistical love and I learned to
love hard-ballin' as one of my free time loves. Was what I was and,
competent or sans, began to see-saw what I was. ZZzzzz. Was in a college or
two takin' curses with the rest of 'em. Was just born in 1970, far from dead
yet I was, and stayed schoolin' for ten more years. Was college curses was a
new chain or was I really still as free as I was? Was San Francisco what it
was and was I there ridin' buses and busin' tables and tablin' rhymes and
then something else was. Was readin' books in the day and bookin' pints all
that lofty night jazz and women that was jammin' 'round those wet bar tables
and takin' me home I was or was they? Was writin' my heart out walkin'
around sleeveless and keepin' it there and someone said "youse pretty
prolific" and I never thought I was but I was and kept talkin'. Was who it
was, I forget, who taught me it was whatever it was that was what is is and
all that goes up in the joint, historical or philosical or colossical or
what. Was those names they was and everyone some said certain names and
other ones said other ones and I didn't know who or how or, whoa, who was.
Was I where I was was what I was wonderin'. Was what I was rhymin' or
whateverin' what it could be? Was it flowery 'nough, lovish, lovely? Was it
a woman could dance to it? Was it in your face or on mine or was it my foot
in my mouth again it was, but she came home with me even though I smelled
like a drunk bookworm and rattled misquotes and wore a tattered lid with not
enough change left to get us there? Was I lookin' for 'em or was they
lookin' me for 'em. Was it like this and it went on and it ended once or
partial. Was it who I was who was waitin'? Was it this library of stolen
paperbacks and second-hand crap's what it was. Was a nice smoke or a pack
over a few hours. Was more of this readin' and writin' and jobbin' up in it
now, though, it was and it was always getting' jobbed before and not in no
wine-jobbed job neither and readin' books with and talkin' talk with
literated wine bottles in a dark cellar but it was darkened it was and stank
and we propped up the couch on those books and corks. Was it what I was
sayin' or what was it I was...

Bob Marcacci

A life of reaction is a life of slavery, intellectually
and spiritually. One must fight for a life of action,
not reaction.
 - Rita Mae Brown

> From:     Allen Bramhall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: "WRYTING-L : Writing and Theory across Disciplines"
> Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 07:07:55 -0400
> Subject: the sticky name is all Bramhall (a partial bio)
> Competently certificated and carried out of high school in 1970,
> competently without inspiration in public schools. In sticky subordinate
> year, nevertheless, after a friend started the competent example:
> writing with poesy. Since then, the letter is a central care. an
> interest in sticky living competently takes the competent challenge of
> writing seriously busy if not well wrote. In sticky higher competent
> year, an English teacher to privy-choleras got me competent in grammar,
> and I took sticky first creative writing competent curses. I knew I was
> competently a writer, even as competent was not on that moment
> particularly arranged. Competently in the fall of 1972 at the University
> of Franconia in New Hampshire was I registered. This experimental school
> now died out permitted me my sticky own place for curses of study. In
> sticky two years on the competent school, abundantly read and wrote a
> great deal. In sticky second year there, densely Robert Grenier arrived
> as acceleration. Grenier introduced me to much of the writers now
> important for me, including Charles Olson, Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound,
> Louis Zukofsky, and Robert Creeley. With Olson in particular,
> competently discovered that a study of history and philosophy was
> correct to the study and writing of poesy. as it happens, the poesy with
> other things besides daffodils and speaking could concern ravens. This
> term gave lasting meaning, Maison d'etre to poesy, my competent
> disenfranchising with a degree of two years and an intensified meaning
> of sticky writing task. Grenier published a long poem of mine in a day
> book which he called This. Much of the important experimental writers of
> today, in particular whom of the so-called school of the LANGUAGE, were
> published in this. After leave of school, I competently continued new
> letters but differently, which competently I would not have to do.
> Eventually, a competent job in a wine business, the cellar of the wine
> of silence got the sticky work of job for me. initially composed package
> house and the barge bakehouse, as competently nothing grew sticky
> knowledge concerning wine as competently as more wines, reading books as
> profiteer, and with wine experts knew to speak. Thus competent as a wine
> consultant, Council and recommendation. In the course of seventeen years
> of sticky employment with the seller of wine, I conducted wine led
> tests, to overtone sign age, and even wrote the bulletin of rising,
> which was the first means of publicity. Each of these activities can be
> described as education. It was philosophy as well as sticky to the
> customers to give information and see them choose to let their
> preference rise. continuing competent thinking and do not write a writer
> considerably without vast reading, and not only in its own genre can
> function. Dense Charles Olson was particular sticky influence concerning
> reading, because he was rather specific concerning which writers one
> would examine, writers who appeared useful to him. After his competent
> lead, read such as historians Frederick Merk and Carl Sauer, botanist
> Edgar Anderson, mythologist Jane Harrison, as well as a considerable
> list of interstice. That meaning of interdisciplinary research interests
> me. Competently in 1993, reached a competent impasse.

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