
Thence thrice abrasions smudged abashed repercussions,
dwindled predilections in the rock light,
pederasty in the pockmarked spunk of the sky.

Cribbage mattress boombox, dregs pastiche

I abhor slack, the speech of sleep,
gusts of light bruising intestines'
intensities within the softness
of a weather vane scuttling dissensions one could
rectum in vain.

Stone milk radar wood vortex straddling the suctioned eggcup's vein

What the fuck, my ass is a hole in which my ego sprouts
irreducible dictations, fuck-off addages
in the ablative glare of wads of dead chewing gum, alluring teat
spit flattener -- sip sheer imbroglio of the electric snake eeking out a death.

Velveteen darts spark fake wires, crimson liar sunrise trellis loins

Abashed, I abhor the ablative of dwindling fucks in which my ego is scuttled in 
the face of rectum addages, a bebop butt evincing chockablock air pockets to 
writhe around in the hackneyed foam.

Celluloid charcoal fur flap hooker, bog grid sod gas harpies

Lozenge fossils adder whelm morn, cellophane duffle bag bleeding stomach

He was not had in the hewn thicket of the ditches' castrated teeth.

Dry-ice hard-on forearm swizzle swatch

Fur uppers zapping the noisome gewgaw's tongue marrow

Synchronized pouch pliers mump jowl

Metastic spad treed bunt whomp, mauve knob

Litmus hiccups sorghum anchorite glyph

Forage pith bout scow douse

Deloused lexicon reddog mewlings rottenstone

Fetch mine mime mettle dwindle belfry hyphen diurnal tarp froth

Wary pumice trifle eft troth, nota iota zoo ooze dungarees

Minnow whine drub sass shucks

Intransitive scansion's denatured lief swagger

Contra dicked, geeky gland gone red popsicle elbow, crazy bone
streetcar barn smacker, remnant blat

Dozing off, I had not had what was sidling up
to the waves of petals around the seepage
of your asshole halo, lassitude of a pile of propellors.

Plat lathe nates crenulated tines, tuba larva in the bend ahead

"Gimme that stained burgundy swag 'n' let's gnaw on a noun."

The darkness is all alone, the stare of night touches it,
it is touching as it penetrates the darkness
like a lit-up fuck-up being fucked-up.

Cabbage vapor, awl pyrite crabs, rusty muff whist waft nozzle, velous versal 
plait, tout, incontinent scape pose

Then to it, into it, intuit, intuit it too, in two, et tu, two too, tutu:  the 
dope of remembrance suffocates roses, you dipshit towelette lover.

--Bob BrueckL

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