Good ones, Augie!

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

----- Original Message -----
From: August <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, September 29, 2005 4:48 pm
Subject: Re: Raft clot - Bennett ===AH Remix

> AH Remix              Raft clot raft tantra  ,
> muc regdod  ,foam leafer  ,hsac
>        gnul  ,plank thunder ,hcnip refao                     l
> ,crawl staining  ,egdol re
>     drum  ,thumb lushed  ,hsag rettops pu                le or
> late rent the clowner for a
>     yarps nor teach the luggage how to miw           s you
> founded stoppers like a egufirt
>   nec blown rebmun                of the ro       wers faceless
> runts or        sthgildae
>  h rut plink                      ing so you     rednuolf  ,nit
> gni           ppolf so y
> ou builded                           ,cram ss enisub so you sl
>            umber  ,n
> od blamme                           r so you mopper  ,ash
>           reknilb so
>  you clot                              Raft clot raft t
>          antra  ,mu
> c regdod                              ,foam leafer  ,
>        hsac gnul
> ,plank thu                           nder ,hcnip re
>      faol  ,crawl
>   staining                            ,egdol redru
>    m  ,thumb lu
>   shed  ,hsa                         g rettops pu
>   le or late r       ent the
>     clowner f                        or a yarps
>  nor teach t       he luggage
>      how to miw                    s you found
> ed stoppers l       ike a egufir
>      tnec blown r              ebmun of the r
> owers facele       ss runts or s
>        thgildaeh rut pl   inking so you redn                uolf
> ,nit gn        ippolf so yo
>         u builded  ,cram ssenisub so you s                lumber
> ,nod          blammer so
>           you mopper  ,ash reknilb so y               ou clot
> Raft cl           ot raft
>              tantra  ,muc regdod  ,f                oam leafer
> ,hsac gn            ul
>                   ,plank thunder                  ,hcnip refaol
> ,crawl s
>       tain                                    ing  ,egdol redr
> um  ,thum
>     b lushed                                 ,hsag rettops
> pule or l
>     ate rent                           the clowner for a
> yarps no
>     r teach the                     luggage how to mi
> ws you fou
>      nded stoppe              rs like a egufirtnec
> blown re      bmun of the
>       rowers face          less runts or sthgil
> daeh rut      plinking so you
>          rednuolf         ,nit gnippolf so
> you build     ed  ,cram ssenis
>          ub so you    slumber  ,nod blam
> mer so you m       opper  ,ash r
>           eknilb so you clot  Raft clot r                  aft
> tantra  ,muc             regdo
>            d  ,foam leafer  ,hs  ac gnul  ,p             lank
> thunder ,hcni
>             p refaol  ,crawl     staining  ,egdo     l redrum
> ,thumb lus
>           hed  ,hsag retto         ps pule or late rent the
> clowner
>         for a yarps nor               teach the luggage how to m
>         iws you foun                    ded stoppers like a e
>         gufirtnec                           blown rebmun
>          of the r
>         owers face                     less runts or sthgil
>         daeh rut pli
>          nking so                  you rednuolf  ,nit gnippol
>         f so you build
>           ed  ,cram                ssenisub so you  slumber  ,n
>           od blammer so y
>   ou       mopper  ,            ash reknilb so       you clot  R
>              aft clot raft
>  tantra      ,muc reg          dod  ,foam l           eafer
> ,hsac                 gnul  ,pla
> nk thunde    r ,hcnip r        efaol  ,cr                awl
> staining                   ,egd
> ol redrum       ,thumb lu       shed  ,h                   sag
> rettops                             p
> ule or la      te rent the          c                       lowner
> for a
> yarps nor        teach the
> luggage how t
> o miws yo        u founded s
> toppers like a
> egufirtn         ec blown re
> bmun of the row
>  ers fa        celess runts or
> sthgildaeh rut plinki
>               ng so you rednuol                            f
> ,nit gnippolf so you bui
>               lded  ,cram ssenisu                         b so
> you slumber  ,nod blammer    august highland

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