"ITS NOT TORTURE, ITS SEX," Cheney Claims.
Bush Declares: 'We Need Torture. Its Our Kickback Fetish After A Hard
Day Of Doing the Murder For Oil Fetish.':
'Power Kind Of Kinks You Up,' Declares Rumsfeld.:
Cheney, Libby, Wolfowitz Et Al Went To War To Add To Personal
Collection Of Snuff Films:
In The Great Tradition Of The CIA Sponsored Men's Magazines Of The
Fifties, U.S. Intelligence Starts Hard Core Fetish Porn Website
(operationjizzmo.com) Featuring U.S. Servicemen Performing Golden
Showers, Anal Penetration, Bondage, Asphyxiation, And Snuff On Iraqi
Mel Gibson's 'Passion Of Christ' & Cheney's 'Thou Shalt Torture'
Reprise To Sellout Mobs On Double Bill At Evangelical Churches.

Meet the New Elito, Same As The Old Elito:
With The End Of Roe V. Wade Congress, Red States Gear Up To Father
Thousands, Millions Of Bastards:
Evangelicals Embrace Papist Court:
Blue Blood And Blue Balls: Alito: A Case Study In The Abuse Of The
Latter To Become The Former.

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