The Left's (non)Response to the French Riots

...The events in Clichy-Sous-Bois are not controlled, inspired or
organized by The Left, therefore The Left has little to gain from
them.... We all know that the only thing left-wing politicians care
about is the exact same thing that right-wing politicians care about;
power....Every day acts of insurgency are taking places throughout the
world, and very rarely if ever do these acts have anything to do with
bureaucratic political organizations....While the organizationalists of
the world are sitting in their boring meetings ... everyday rebellions
are happening throughout the world.

The Left's (non)Response to the French Riots

November 7 - So, France is burning. "The People" (in this case "The
People" happen to actually be those that The Left oh so much enjoys
claiming to speak for,) are rising up in an insurgency against racism,
the police, the state, capitalism, etc. and, predictably, the response
from the political left has been mediocre at best.

During the first few nights, the main response of The Left was to ignore
the whole thing. With a few exceptions, much of The Left completely
ignored the events in France. The events in Clichy-Sous-Bois are not
controlled, inspired or organized by The Left, therefore The Left has
little to gain from them. There are no consensus based meetings to
decide what needs to be done, what committees should to be set up, what
demands should be made, and who should become spokespersons. There is no
need for any of these things. Everyone taking part in the riots knows
what they want. Go to any ghetto of the world and ask the people what
they want, and the answers will be the same as those of
Clichy-Sous-Bois. There is no need to beg the government to fix things
(AKA making demands.) Only the most profound moron would not realize
what has led to the rioting. There is no need for statements,
proclamations or letters of solidarity. The best form of solidarity
possible is being shown in Marseille, Saint Etienne, Toulouse and the
300 other towns to which the rioting has spread. There are now reports
that Germany and Belgium are starting to experience this same kind of

The rioters have no need of The Left. That is why The Left ignored the
rioters. We all know that the only thing left-wing politicians care
about is the exact same thing that right-wing politicians care about;
power. It is often ignored that the same can be said of leftist
political organizations. While individuals within these organizations
may mean well, the organizations soon take a mind of their own. Like a
corporation, whose only goal is to make profit, the only goal of these
political organizations is to gain power. The claim being that power is
needed to change the world. But all too soon, changing the world becomes
secondary to building power.

As the days went by, and the riots spread, The Left was finally forced
to say something about the riots. The only problem is The Left has no
influence, let alone power over the rioters of France. If anything the
power of The Left is just as much threatened by these riots as the power
of The Right. These riots are showing that the people do not need
bureaucratic political organizations to revolt. It is then no surprise
that the Communist Party is doing it's best to stifle events it cannot
control, just like it did with the events of May 1968. "Lacking a
political analysis (…) some young people are reduced to committing
unacceptable attacks against the peace, the safety and the property of
people who work for a living."* (the left wing of the "CP" – the PRCF.)
Leave it to the Communist Party to claim these riots are an attack on
the working class. While thankfully the anarchist organizations are not
as ridiculous as the CP, they too seem to be more concerned with moving
the rioters into an area of struggle which the anarchist organizations
would be able to at least influence. The CNT-FTE demands "more justice.
In practical terms, this means secure jobs, decent wages, humane
working-hours for the parents, adequate housing, an end to
counter-productive police repression, necessary and adequate social
services, and a truly libratory school system. This is how we suggest
our colleagues and the parents of our students struggle."* France is in
a state of insurgent activity and the CNT-FTE is telling people they
should beg for reforms and bread-crumbs from the government? Begging the
government for reforms is something the CNT-FTE can influence and
control. They can help create committees, have meetings, send
representatives to meet with government officials, and other forms of
bureaucracy that make their political organization a little more
influential and a little more powerful, while boring to death everyone
involved. The anarchist CNT-AIT is yet another example of an
organization looking only to gain power for itself. They can hope for
nothing more than "once the pressure lessens, this rebellion should
organize itself, give itself a structure."* The CNT-AIT no doubt
providing this structure. We can see the inner struggle facing these
organizations. How can they balance out their need for power with their
claims of fighting for "The People"? And what if "The People" do not
need these organizations?

Every day acts of insurgency are taking places throughout the world, and
very rarely if ever do these acts have anything to do with bureaucratic
political organizations. In these actions against capitalism, authority
and oppression people are taking power over their own lives. Burning an
SUV, either as a lone Earth Liberation Front action, or in the middle of
a riot in the French suburbs these insurgents are showing they have as
much need for the political Left as they do the political Right.

While the organizationalists of the world are sitting in their boring
meetings trying to decide how best to enlarge their bureaucracies,
everyday rebellions are happening throughout the world. The insurgency
in France has been going on too long and has spread to an area too large
to be ignored. The question that The Left is now asking itself is how it
can take control of these events away from the rioters and use it to
enlarge itself? The answer is it can't. These acts of insurgence have
nothing to do with the organizational Left. That is why the response of
the Left has been so dismal.

--the black mole--

*All quotes stolen from

Stay Strong

"Be a friend to the oppressed and an enemy to the oppressor"
--Imam Ali Ibn Abu Talib (as)

"We restate our commitment to the peace process. But we will not submit to a process 
of humiliation."
--patrick o'neil

"...we have the responsibility to make no deal with the oppressor"
--harry belafonte


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