"It Is Deeply Irresponsible To Rewrite The History Of How The War
Began. But What The Fuck. I Ain't Nothin' If I Ain't Irresponsible,"
Says Bush:
Bush's Angry Offensive Popular Among Delinquent Dads, Catholic Bishops.
To Others, Its Just Offensive:
Bush Forcefully Attacks Iraq Critics With Karl Rove's Thoughts And

"If Evolution Is Wrong, Why Are All The 'Intelligent Design' Advocates
Such Knuckle Draggers?" God Asks The Assassinated Press.:
Protestant Pastor In China Convicted For Distributing Bibles Printed By
American Intelligence:
"This Is Not Kansas, Dorothy. China Cannot Yet Afford To Have A
Delusional Bunch of Bible Thumping Morons Hold Her Back Like The Great
And Brutal American Empire That Sucks Dry the Rest Of The World," Says
People's Court Judge Xan Chui. "If We Became As Fat And Dumb As America
Is Now, America Would Gobble Us Up For Our Natural Resources."
Robertson Confirms Intelligent Design Is A Smokescreen For Christian
Fundamentalism; Pat Robertson Says Dover, PA Voters Should Look To
Darwin To Help Them, Not God Since They Rejected The Lacuna Of
Intelligence Demonstrated By Pro-Intelligent Design School Board
Members, Leaving Little Doubt As To What's Behind Intelligent Design:
Dover Voters Fine With That, Saying Following Darwin, They'll Continue
To Look To Their Doctors For Cures, Their Meteorologists For Weather,
Their Geologists For Oil And Natural Gas, Their Chemists For Kevlar,
Their Metallurgists For Guns, Their Physicists For............... And
They'll Look To God When Pat Robertson Stops Looking Like A Genetically
Engineered Lawn Troll.:

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