---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 15:07:09 -0500 (EST)
From: WWF Conservation Action Network <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help Establish Endangered Species Day     SEND ACTION~a28626u30516

Action deadline:  November 17, 2005

Dear Alan,

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., recently introduced a Senate resolution 
calling for March 8 to be Endangered Species Day.  This special day will serve 
as an annual opportunity for schools, businesses, and citizens to team up and 
spread awareness about endangered species and the threats they face.

This resolution has added importance now because the Endangered Species Act, 
which for three decades has kept 99 percent of listed species from going 
extinct, is currently under attack in Congress.  The U.S. House of 
Representatives recently passed a bill that would seriously weaken the law.  
Soon, debate over this bill will start in the Senate.  Supporting Endangered 
Species Day is a great way for senators to show their commitment to protecting 
these species, but so far only 12 senators have cosponsored the resolution.  It 
needs 50 cosponsors soon to become law.

You can help because one or both of your senators has not yet cosponsored the 

TAKE ACTION:  Urge your senator(s) to cosponsor the Endangered Species Day 

*  QUICK OPTION:  If you only have a minute send the message below, as is, by 
simply replying to this email.  (This option works only if you received this 
email directly from the Conservation Action Network.)

*  POWERFUL OPTION:  Personalize your letter.  Go to the below address and 
follow the instructions for adding your own thoughts to your message.  Decision 
makers pay much more attention to personalized messages.


If you have any questions or problems with taking action, contact us for help:  

With your support, we can ensure that the world our children inherit will be 
home to a diversity of creatures.  Thank you for your help.


Randy Snodgrass
Director, Government Relations
World Wildlife Fund
Washington, DC

****************************LETTER TEXT******************************

U.S. Senate
Washington, DC  20510

Dear (your senators' names will be inserted here):

As your constituent and someone concerned about leaving our children a living 
planet, I urge you to cosponsor Sen. Feinstein's Senate Resolution 219, which 
would designate March 8 as Endangered Species Day.  It would serve as an 
important opportunity for both children and adults to learn about the 
importance of biodiversity and protecting wildlife species across the country 
and world.

Schools, libraries, museums, government agencies, businesses, and community 
organizations could educate the public about the importance of protecting 
endangered species and highlight the everyday actions that individuals and 
groups can take to help protect our nation's wildlife, fish, and plants.

More than 1,800 species worldwide are now listed as threatened and endangered, 
and thousands more could face extinction unless they are protected.

We owe it to our children and grandchildren to be good stewards of the 
environment and to leave behind a legacy of protecting endangered species and 
the special places they call home.  Thank you for your support of this 
important issue.


(Your name and address
will be inserted here)

***********************END OF LETTER TEXT*********************

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Direct any questions about the WWF Conservation Action Network to
The Conservation Action Network is sponsored by World Wildlife Fund-US.  Known
worldwide by its panda logo, WWF is dedicated to protecting the world's 
wildlife and
the rich biological diversity that we all need to survive.  The leading 
supported international conservation organization in the world, WWF has 
more than 2,000 projects in 116 countries and has more than 1 million members in
the United States.  WWF calls on everyone -- government, industry, and 
 -- to take responsibility by taking action to save our living planet.

World Wildlife Fund
1250 Twenty-fourth Street, NW
Washington, DC  20037

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