There is, in any case, a way for the snake to exist atop the plateau.
A final tree, or even an original one, which is essentially a forked
stick, still grows, or stands, there by the pool which is essentially
a spring rising though the plateau like the vertical of  T rises to reach
its capital termination and with a lone canal as P, whose water falls
over the edge of the plateau at some distance removed. It could be that
the tree in some unknown capacity is a sort of typical attractor, and
if we imagine it a fork, it may also be a tuning fork whose sense is
emanation. But let's imagine the fork as something closer to an antenna,
something whose nature is thus potentially dual, one of emanation and
reception. There is, in any case, no way to be sure, but we can imagine
that the tree is, in some sense a home for both the snake, and for its
prey, or mate, which may of course be an insect, or another letter. Why
is it, that the snake's tongue is forked? K. Schwenk has this to say:

"Theory, anatomy, neural circuitry, function, and behavior now support
a hypothesis of the forked tongue as a chemosensory edge-detector used
to follow pheromone trails of prey and conspecifics [especially the
opposite sex]. The ability to sample simultaneously two points along
a chemical gradient provides the basis for the instantaneous assessment
of trail location."

This does indeed clarify matters a bit, but is clarification what we
seek? Can we not accept another vision from the pond, or is what we
ourselves seek a trail of sorts; a trail which has emanated from the
text like a tail and which receives our attention through 'terms'.

In the classic Greek depiction of the Gorgon, the face is often depicted
as a kind of bloated circle, where large eyes, fangs and a hanging tongue
figure most prominently. There are also often marks upon the forehead
which resemble those used by practitioners of the Hindu religion to connote
the bindu, or the primordial silence into which all noise must inevitably lead.

Let us stop then and consider the origin of our snake. Our snake is
derived or perhaps severed is a better term from head of the Gorgon,
or in a more modern sense Medusa; a single snake from a head of snakes,
which were themselves derived perhaps from the unruly locks drawn and
copied and drawn again according to the styles and inclination of those
long ago artists.

Let's find our Medusa in stop:

S is a sign, and in the emoticon register a sine wave of sorts,
and also a snake, or for that matter a crooked trail or spring.
We can also say it is a 'double turning'. We are not interested
in S as a unit of phonology in this study, except in so far as
we can find the s sound in both snake and medusa. We are in fact
'stopping' that canal of reference and channeling our attention
to the image of the letter sign.

T or t is a sign or sword or scimitar used by Perseus to sever
the head of Medusa.

O is the face of the Gorgoneion itself or the shield which Perseus
wielded so as not to be turned to stone by the emanation of her gaze,
her remainder, which is itself a reception, a perception. It might also be
that her face is on the shield, or that the circle might be the bindi which
sits on her forehead as the symbol of the silence she brings in the stone
of her gaze.

P, in the emoticon register, is the tongue which hangs out taunting,
a warning, a talisman of her intent to silence. That tongue is not used to
speak, but connotes an end to speaking, a uselessness of resistance
to the stony silences unleashed by her gaze.

From S to P, from the Snakes to the Tongue is an expanse of faciality
which enacts a transformation from the active calculation of living to
the halting literalness of a mineral effigy, from a supple sampling of
edge detection of chemical gradients to the rigid rule-based grammar
of constructed speach, or conversely from the narrow-banded filter
of sex and prey to the open-ended configureability of languaged being.

Now aside from all this we can surmise that perhaps Medusa has some use
for the snakes on her head. Perhaps she uses them as an array  as each
has the ability to sample simultaneously two points along a chemical
gradient providing the basis for an instantaneous assessment of trail
location, whether that trail is up, down, behind or in front. The Medusa
image is in fact a model for biohybridized sensory perception, directly
piping in olfactory signals from the forked tongues of an array of
embedded snakes.

Stop and think about that. How many sense channels could we assimilate
were our wiring amenable to such a modification. How would we write if
we could encode pheromonic molecules into our printing. What if we could
create a pheromonic art work or poem. What if each letter carried a
pheromonic subtext. Scratch and Sniff Poetry? A scratch and sniff
painting? What if each letter was a broadcast apparatus, A kind of
wifi microchip array beaming a quality of edges. Stop. It's just
getting silly.

Maybe the snake at the top of the plateau, is a kind of Narcissus,
the narcissus of knowledge, the narcissus of text-based knowledge
acquisition staring down into the pool which is both a spring and
a stream becoming waterfall. Maybe knowledge itself is a kind of
'double turning' both toward intelligence and toward other forms
of stupidity. Maybe knowledge, like stupidity is a sort of filter
for the broad bandwith of potential which exists within the pleroma
of information.. Information as 'in formation' cedes structure,
but how is structure anything other than a local instantiation of
a singularity within the universal potential. Maybe the Narcissusnake
is crucified on that T of the sword which cuts to the root of meaning
as the maker of structure in the universal field of potential we all
share shorn of our head-snakes whose keen sense of chemical gradients
once attuned our senses to a world outside of words whose stony gaze
we receive from within as if our birth was indeed the swallowing of a
stone of literal determination.

Stop! Our society stands through definition. We cannot simply evade
the process which has spawned our most precious wishes. These stupid
omens of snakes in trees staring into streams made waterfalls by the
altitude of Medusa's commands are moot. Each tuning fork has an
arbitrary tone when held up to the material spectrum within which
there might exist infinite configureability as expressed by the process
of imagination. Is it a mistake that both Meaning and Matrioshka both
begin with M, or is it my imagination that madness is a state of mind
which turns strange the attractors of the world, shifting their sense
from a socially derived one to private one whose attached intensity
spawns a reaction among other beings who sample the same information?
What isn't calculation, from the rising of the sun to the stealing of
the crown, there is ought but the hum of potential and the roar of
speechless molecules across our grids of determination which are
themselves calculations and mirrors and streams and trees, our
determination is always already a worlding, and everything we say
and do in the world is implicated in the structure of the world as
a calculation of worlding. Self worlding world of self that self Stops
Stopping itself, an equation running until it halts.

"We live until we die," said the snake, "and even then we live as
something else.." But does anything ever really halt?

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