                                                  C irque
                                            T           heT
                                            r omboneP    lay
                                           er,asCont  rappos
                                            t           o,ass
                                                      eeffect                       ,a
                                               s    anornamen                       tal
                                                 proxyo  fthe                      pr
                                                   ot     ocol    ofade          -id
                                                   eal    ization,aroutin       iz
                                         aissanceopposition,whichbothd  ec           o
                                       rativeandstructuralis,inany  cas  e,          m
                                     eanttob           eviv    id.   AP    r
                  a                 xitile                      a     n    f
                                 igu   r   en  o                wa   tso    m
                               egr       eatdis                 t    ance   w
                 h            er      e"   now                  "     (188  8
                    ?       ),a    ne       mpt             ysync     hres  i                              s
                  fi       llsinwit          ha         sides  how   ,with  Il                             l
            u  min        ationso             fD      isen     chantmentt    h                             e
            s epa        inter-               arch  aeolog     is ts,p o     e
             t-p        sycholog              i sts,theatr     ic  al  p     r
               od       uce    rs             o                f   t  hi     s                            o
               rth    at th      eo         ry                ofthed  u       r                           a
               t io    nal pl     ac  eofthef           antasticas   a    det   e                        r
         m    in  at    e&marked   absen            c       eatthe he      a     r                      t
            of th          esecularworld,        a         nobje  ct       w                           o
           rl   d           foreversuspendedo n  t       hebrinkofm       e     a                     n
          in    g,            foreverdisposed to      receive  the       re                         ve
         la                   tiono fevilorg  ra    cethatn e ver        co   m                    es
        th                    rou ghtherelent  lessunmask  ingof         c   h                    r
       oma                    ticimmediac  y,t  h  roughtheuns t         a  bl          e
       phy                   siologicalc     ond  itionsofhumanvis      io  n
      ,unl                    ikean18th       cen  tu rydiagr  amoft    heey         e  i
      nwh                    ichlightra        ysenteras   i     fthr ough a        tr a        ns
      par                     entlenstot        ransmi        t    an  image        whi     chwe
      may                     nowdenyasa        kind         o  fs  ynthes          isandnot"
      simp                    ly"achromoc       hr on           om etrics           y
       nth                     esis,butone     whichpo           sitsaviv             i
       dCon                    tr appostos   , APraxitil         eanfigur
        eof                     polysynthes   is,    anemb       edded sym
         bol                     ism,anembo    li      smofv       ision'su
         nity                     withsynthe  tic         ,syn      c  hret
          icun                     derstandin g,a           nag     gr   ega  t
           eofp                     urposeand dis             play        whi ch
            comb                     inesbothrati                on-a     liz at
             ion                      sofaest  he                  ticrespons ea
              nds                     ynthese sth                  atarethefrees
               ubj                    ectiveinve                  ntionofa  nac
                 ti                  veautonomo                 ussub jec    t
                  ,a                 ndthe"objec               t"the  n,    wo
                                     uldbethemak               ingofperc   ep
                                    tion,l oca t                ionofmy   kn o
                                     wthemea ni n                gofthe   n  e
                                     w,forev en  w               ith1)d iv   i
                                      dedtoit s  o                riginan    d
                                      awe caneas i                lyfind    a
                                       nthestone1.                 61803   4o
                                         rsomeothe                  rnatural
                                         /unnatura                 lalinedr
                                          awnthrou                ghby2=hie
                                           rogyphso              fEgyptthes
                                             un.seem             inf ini  te
                                              lyold,             infi n   it
                                               elyn a             velw    it
                                               hrefer                en  cei
                                                ntima                 t iono
                                               fparen                 thet
                                            icalsquar                 eof 5+
                                         Phidianmirac                 le.Howc
                                        anyousometh                    ingwh

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