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Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2005 10:43:29 -0500
Subject: Physics News Update 755

The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News
Number 755   November 23, 2005  by Phillip F. Schewe, Ben Stein, and
Davide Castelvecchi

new optical device might allow astronomers to view extrasolar
planets directly without the annoying glare of the parent star.  It
would do this by "nulling" out the light of the parent star by
exploiting its wave nature, leaving the reflected light from the
nearby planet to be observed in space-based detectors.   About ten
years ago the presence of planets around stars other than our sun
was first deduced by the very tiny wobble in the star's spectrum of
light imposed by the mutual tug between the star and its satellite.
Since then more than 100 extrasolar planets have been detected in
this way.  Also, in a few cases the slight diminution in the star's
radiation caused by the transit of the planet across in front of the
star has been observed.
Many astronomers would, however, like to view the planet directly, a
difficult thing to do.  Seeing the planet next to its bright star
has been compared to trying to discern, from a hundred meters away,
the light of a match held up next to the glare of an automobile's
headlight.  The approach taken by Grover Swartzlander and his
colleagues at the University of Arizona is to eliminate the star's
light by sending it through a special helical-shaped mask, a sort of
lens whose geometry resembles that of a spiral staircase turned on
its side.  The process works in the following way: light passing
through the thicker and central part of the mask is slowed down.
Because of the graduated shape of the glass, an "optical vortex" is
created: the light coming along the axis of the mask is, in effect,
spun out of the image.  It is nulled, as if an opaque mask had been
placed across the image of the star, but leaving the light from the
nearby planet unaffected.
The idea of an optical vortex has been around for many years, but it
has never been applied to astronomy before.  In lab trials of the
optical vortex mask, light from mock stars has been reduced by
factors of 100 to 1000, while light from a nearby "planet" was
unaffected (see (see figure at http://www.aip.org/png/2005/241.htm
).  Attaching their device to a telescope on Mt. Lemon outside
Tucson, Arizona, the researchers took pictures of Saturn and its
nearby rings to demonstrate the ease of integrating the mask into
telescopic imaging system.   This is, according to Swartzlander
(520-626-3723, [EMAIL PROTECTED]), a more practical
technique than merely attempting to cover the star's image, as is
done in coronagraphs, devices for observing our sun's corona by
masking out the disk of the sun.  It could fully come into its own
on a project like the Terrestrial Planet Finder, or TPF, a proposed
orbiting telescope to be developed over the coming decade and
designed to image exoplanets.  (Foo et al., Optics Letters, 15
December 2005; summary of articles related to optical vortex at

FIRST STEPS TOWARD FUSION AT NIF.  Laser pulses shot into a cavity
can produce the conditions required to trigger nuclear fusion
reactions, scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in
California report. The finding was a crucial test of principle for
Livermore's National Ignition Facility (NIF,
http://www.llnl.gov/nif/project/index.html ), the $3.5 billion
machine now under construction and expected to start full operations
in 2009. NIF will produce fusion reactions by focusing 192 powerful
ultraviolet laser beams through small holes into the hollow interior
of a gold cavity called a hohlraum. The laser light quickly heats up
the cavity's inner walls, which generate x rays, in a  few
nanosecond-long bursts of energy more than 60 billion times as
bright as the surface of the sun. The outer shell of a small capsule
containing frozen deuterium and tritium placed inside this mini-oven
will be heated by these x rays and rapidly expand, resulting in
heating and compression of its core (to 1000 times its initial
density) which will become as dense as the sun's center, triggering
nuclear fusion.
During the first hohlraum experiments at NIF, a large team of
physicists, engineers and technicians (contact: Eduard Dewald,
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 925-422-7087) used the four existing NIF laser
beams to prove NIF's x-ray production capability. NIF was operating
at just 1 percent of its full design energy, and the cavity
contained no fusion materials.  However, the x-ray flux inside the
cavity---the amount of energy per unit area and per unit time---has
been shown to agree with expectations, and is similar to those
required for future fusion experiments. (Dewald et al., Physical
Review Letters, 18 November 2005). Uncertainties over the continued
funding of NIF seemed to be resolved in a recent House-Senate
conference agreement over the 2006 energy bill (see FYI No. 162,
November 11, http://www.aip.org/fyi/2005/162.html ).

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