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Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2005 18:19:18 -0200 (GMT-02:00)
Subject: Amazon News - November 24th, 2005

Amazon News
Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon

Amazon News is a weekly information service provided by
www.amazonia.org.br, the largest bilingual site on the Brazilian Amazon
region, in partnership with several Brazilian media.
Its publisher is Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon, a Brazilian
non-profit and public interest registered organization.


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Dear friends:

A cyberaction launched this week requires the end of persecution of the
Brazilian journalist Lúcio Flávio Pinto. The journalist faces several
criminal and civil lawsuits because of his reporting in the state of
Pará. Big Brazilian corporations, like the C.R. Almeida and the ORM
group, are responsible for most of the lawsuits. See more in:
Endangered Brazilian Journalist

The news this week:

End of persecution is required by cyberaction
Amazonia.org.br - 11/24/2005

Yasuní: Petroleum threats even isolated indians
Amazonia.org.br - 11/23/2005

Endangered Journalists (Editorial)
Washington Post - 11/22/2005

Amapá Conservation Units get radio system for communication
Conservação Internacional (CI-Brasil) - 11/22/2005

Yanomami Reserve- Miners take control of medical outposts
Folha de Boa Vista - 11/22/2005

Britain leads EU imports of wood logged illegally
The Independent - 11/22/2005

Amazon forest becomes coal
O Liberal - 11/21/2005

Brazil Weighs Costs and Benefits of Alliance With China
The New York Times - 11/20/2005

Dardanelos - Potential power may go to auction in December
Diário de Cuiabá - 11/19/2005

Final efforts - an interview with Marina Silva
O Eco - 11/19/2005

Rural leader is executed in Marabá, Para State
Amazonia.org.br - 11/18/2005

Police arrests two suspects of murdering landless workers
Só Notícias - 11/18/2005

Indigenous people invade federal buildings and demand nominations
O Estado de S.Paulo - 11/17/2005

Federal government asseverates that federal roads in Pará will be
constructed in 2005
Agência Câmara - 11/17/2005

Devastation at Reserve of Gurupi
O Estado de S.Paulo - 11/17/2005

Environmental Conference at Amazonas will discuss the drought and
indigenes issues
Radiobrás - 11/16/2005

Ministry refutes U.N.´s report on deforestation
Agência Estado - 11/15/2005

Deforestation slowing - UN
BBC - 11/14/2005

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