The High School boys. They wear those here too. they call them dusters. well 
perhaps there is a finer distinction..
A true duster is canvas i think. A bit alarming because that was the style of 
the kids who did the famous school
shooting here in oregon. but its inevitable i suppose, as is everything.. 
Virilio talks about a 'black party'
which isn't anything racial, but people who are radical activists for death.. 
basically a political organization
based on radical depopulation theories..the party of serial murder.. I'm sure 
Thomas DeQuincey wouldve
found that interesting as i certainly did. the urban planner as philosopher as 
prophet in the old Orwellian mode..
They come with leather dusters & skull armbands in the night.. rousting us from 
our dotty dreams of warm porridge
and googlevision.. :)

on a perhaps lighter note

I just watched  The System (1964) aka The Girl Getters
which must've been filmed somewhere along there.. Is it really warm enough to 
There's some ruins in the film but I can't figure out where it was filmed. 
near Brighton? The next year Oliver Reed would play Bill Sikes in the Oscar 
winner Oliver.
Really enjoyed seeing John Alderton, and a young David Hemmings in this
as well as good old Ollie R. Though I like "These are the Damned" much better 
It's got art, and sci-fi and apocalypse..

Next up is The Girl on a Motocycle (1968) which is really almost the exact 
opposite film
in someways.. similiar nonetheless anyway.. Madame Bovary in leather?  I wouldve been 1yr old when that came out.
But I've seen too many tired french gangster flicks with Alain Delon.. Purple 
Noon best thing
he ever did..

Thanks for this piece. always enjoy a cinematic peek at old Mother Albion..


----- Original Message -----
From: Pixel
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 1:16 AM
Subject: A dickens of a morning

every morning when i drop the kids at school after i've been blinded by the 
sunrise hitting the mirror sea, i drive home
via Ovingdean wiggling my way through tiny roads dotted with cottages and 
horses and make my way back to the sea front,
each time i spot the same young man walking on the pavement halfway between the 
wooden shed that sells logs and
Christmas trees and the college for the blind that often has archery boards set 
up on it's grounds. come rain or shine
he is always determinedly wearing the same black trilby hat and the same long 
shiny black leather coat and the same pony
tail, his dark hair pulled tight at the base of his skull fully exposing his 
wispy sideburns. he always seemed a lonely
sort, i could imagine him reaching his daily destination, whether it be college 
or work and setting himself down into
some quiet corner, ignoring the fact that he is being ignored by his colleagues 
or fellow students, only speaking when
his opinion is asked and then sometimes allowing himself to wax about his 
favourite guitar riff or computer game. he
seemed so rigidly solitary every morning heading towards the sea front. until 
today when i turned onto the road that
leads to the sea front and there he was, once more in his usual outfit and 
walking beside him was another young man, no
hat and certainly no long hair but he too donned a long shiny black leather 
coat and there crawling on the right hand
side of his neck was , a spiders web tattoo his dishevelled blonde hair shoved 
awkwardly to one side and his face
contorted against the cold as he turned to listen to his hatted friend as he 
nattered on in amiable companionship. a
Smike, if ever i saw one, to his Nicholas.


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