
be a verb, e aver

no clues needed..

the hollow hallow riparian tallow fellow

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sheila Murphy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 9:58 AM
Subject: Re: River Wax

Most intriguing! I have to plead clueless on the

--- phanero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

as demigods with tats that lack great art

hmm, do you know the origin of the word 'totem'
It might interest you to know that in 1790 a man
named John Long came to London with an initiatory
tattoo of the Ojibwe.. The man had lived with the
and had killed Americans with them in the
skirmishes. He called his beaver tattoo
a 'totem'.. which essentially means in Ojibwe
'a member of my family' or something like that..
the word has essentially had a life of its own ever

i'm sure the image was rude, but it was probably the
first beaver most english had ever seen..

now how we get from an Ojibwe beaver totem tattoo
to "beaver shots" at "U-Totem" is anybody's guess..

How did we get that version of Beaver?
Do you know?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Sheila Murphy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 9:37 AM
Subject: River Wax

> May margins hold your dross of choice
> and limbo well accrue toward cushioning
> reflexive motion passing for accomplishment.
> May tacit bravery be known as the Wallendas
> showing off their grammar and good taste
> while we sip sap as if such slush
> might offer needed quietude.
> May toffy taste of supple young momentum
> dreamed along moist atmosphere of wood
> and mood and synthesis.
> May distance pacify your tendency
> to live long sans lungs glutted
> with spores accumulating
> as the gulls of dream go by
> and timbre just resuscitates
> the drive-by natterings still short on cash
> as demigods with tats that lack great art
> May wind be met by gravity that holds
> the sun in place where practice
> churns redacted feeling
> soon shoved out on stage to be consumed
> or poked by regulation sticks and storied stones
> that once flanked riverbed
> where tones of motion thinned
> receptive earshot.
> sheila e. murphy

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