Iskander said: Is this a Shockwave archive?
Nabu said: You must join us in polishing the lapis tongue of the procession.
Eschaton said: Not until they have bowed to the Micro-Totem-Father-Tesla who 
drew the image in the sand.
                      They must dedicate a cycle.
Killjoy said: I need Greek recipes!
Eitel said: I didn't realize I had such a tone in my voice.
Elena said: Don't brag.
Chaoslad said: I keep having this dream Timothy Leary is flipping me the bird.
PePe: I work with a Real Philipino Headhunter! Isn't that neat!

Lolita said: I found a bird head.
Kiki said: I'm hip!
Herbert Gold said: No need to talk. No more discussion. I'm with you. I got 
you. Cool. In. Bye-Bye.
Noqa said:  K-MartMAN riyku.
Tony (Blazer) said:  It has been our experience in the OAG that one cannot 
separate B2B issues
                             from fundamental A2A interoperability problems.  When a 
"B2B context"
                             message hits an enterprise boundary "MAGIC" 
doesn't happen. A handler
                             has to hand off the message to an "internal" 
application.  If this is not
                             actually some piece of an ERP suite - it most 
certainly will engage such
                             a suite [or an analogous Legacy app] before the 
transaction is completed.
                            The solution methodology invoked by the "handler" 
can and should be the
                            same as is used for traditional EAI within the 
enterprise.  This is an area
                            in which the OAG has pioneered and developed a 
proven solution in the course
                            of the last 5 years.

QB said:,1 <- #1
       QB .4 <- #0
       QB .5 <- #0
       QB PBZR SEBZ (30)
       QB JEVGR VA ,1
       QB .1 <- ,1FHO#1
       QB (10) ARKG
(20)    CYRNFR ERFHZR '?.1$#256'~'#256$#256'
(10)    QB (20) ARKG
       QB SBETRG #1
       QB .2 <- .4
       QB (1000) ARKG
       QB .4 <- .3~#255
       QB (50) ARKG
       QB .3 <- !3~#15'$!3~#240'
       QB .3 <- !3~#15'$!3~#240'
       QB .2 <- !3~#15'$!3~#240'
       QB .1 <- .5
       QB (1010) ARKG
       QB .5 <- .2
       CYRNFR QB ,1FHO#1 <- .3
(30)    CYRNFR ERNQ BHG ,1

(50)    CYRNFR FGNFU .1 + .2 + .4 + .5 + .11+.12+.13+.14+.15+.16+.17+.18
       CYRNFR QB .5 <- .4
       CYRNFR QB .1 <- .5
       QB .2 <- #65
       QB (500) ARKG
       QB .11 <- .3~#2
       QB .2 <- #78
       QB (500) ARKG
       QB .12 <- .3~#2
       QB .2 <- #97
       QB (500) ARKG
       QB .13 <- .3~#2
       QB .2 <- #110
       QB (500) ARKG
       QB .14 <- .3~#2
       CYRNFR QB .2 <- .5
       QB .1 <- #77
       QB (500) ARKG
       QB .15 <- .3~#2
       QB .1 <- #90
       QB (500) ARKG
       QB .16 <- .3~#2
       QB .1 <- #109
       QB (500) ARKG
       QB .17 <- .3~#2
       QB .1 <- #122
       QB (500) ARKG
       QB .18 <- .3~#2
       CYRNFR QB .1 <- ' "'"!12$.11'~#3"$"!14$.13'~#3"'~#15"
                        $"'"!16$.15'~#3"$"!18$.17'~#3"'~#15" '~#255
       CYRNFR QB .1 <- 'I"!&1'~#85"'~#5
       QB .2 <- "!1~#2'$!1~#2'"~#3
       QB .1 <- !2$.1'~#15
       QB .2 <- !2$.2'~#15
       QB .2 <- "!1$.2'$!1$"'"I!2$.1'"~#15'"'"~#65535
       QB .1 <- .5
       CYRNFR QB (1009) ARKG
       CYRNFR ERGEVRIR .1 + .2 + .4 + .5 + .11+.12+.13+.14+.15+.16+.17+.18

(500)   CYRNFR FGNFU .4
       QB .3 <- "?!1$.2'"~"#0$#65535"
       QB .4 <- .3~.3
       QB .4 <- '&"!?4'$.4"'~'#0$#65535'
       QB .3 <- '"'&"!1~.3'$.4"'~'#0$#65535'"~.4'
       QB .3 <- "?'"!3~#1'$!3~#2'"$"#1$!3~#1'"'"~#5
       QB ERFHZR #1

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