"clothing" = "turning the Pnyx"

I think Thoth had it right.. Text is the destruction of memory.
Text is the devil, and bedevilment of memory's automony..
I think Giordano Bruno might agree.

as text is autonomous it is also the fundamental impurity,
the engine of both entropy and extropy within culture/nature..
Latour might allow it to be called the sine qua no[n] of factishes

the lack is its desire to draw meaning to itself..
the temporal engine it supposes within its constructed subject both destroys
the timeless onenesss of unreflexive being
and drags us inexorably back to that state
through the catastrophe of manifold ideologies

being as naked thought might be a form of purity
but to conceive of 'text' as a clothing of purity
is simply a reification of utilitarianism as seen through
a kind of nunnery of arbitrary permutations of the social..

our living bodies are capable of more...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Ciccariello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2005 9:09 AM
Subject: Re: Copland

"If a person wanted to show purity, the clothing would
be text. The moment lacking is the next to come."

-Peter Ciccariello

-----Original Message-----
From: Sheila Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent:         Fri, 16 Dec 2005 06:46:34 -0800
Subject: Copland

 Just now no untouched places need repair. And damages
pass usual anxiety. The gloves dissolve. In these
accustomed eyes of mothering and even quiet, pale
chords have occurred. Each period of year, placed on
soft surface. Pianissimo brass instruments retreat to

If a person wanted to show purity, the clothing would
be text. The moment lacking is the next to come.

Choice follows blades of grass fulled into sheaf's
comported space.

One is treble tempting bass. A lull to blur this edge.

sheila e. murphy

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