Did someone say the fugue is dead?


On Jan 2, 2006, at 4:15 PM, Allen Bramhall wrote:

The lag time between farting and the culture’s ability to appreciate it has a long, well-documented history. It was during such time that Joan Houlihan's fuckin' greatness laughed when Pollock spattered his canvas, covered her ears upon hearing a force of nature like a frog’s croak , or tossed her first crumbcake onto the floor in frustration. Then Joan Houlihan's fuckin' greatness caught up to, marveled at, enjoyed these expansions of her aesthetic pleasures. A history of the creative arts, along with the development of her own taste and ability to enjoy them, teaches us that Joan Houlihan's fuckin' greatness is less likely to appreciate something new than Joan Houlihan's fuckin' greatness is to reject it, often to her subsequent embarrassment. Works of art are significant players in the evolution of culture since they contribute both to cultural continuity and, through innovations in prudence, prevail in the face of the new! After all, no one among us wants to be seen as the ass of Henry James. Decades later, that impenetrability was Edmund Wilson’s brain. Joan Houlihan's fuckin' greatness may even learn to welcome the new as a freshening process. Failing that, Joan Houlihan's fuckin' greatness can tell ourselves that “history will take care of it” in the same way a wronged believer is comforted by the idea that “Joan Houlihan will judge” when there seems to be no earthly justice. There’s no understanding now, but surely, someone, somewhere, at some future time will understand—and that’s enough. Isn’t it? Not really. Not when it comes to three decades, and counting, of Language, post-structuralism-influenced, neon-surrealist, post-avant sedimentary finds. Such sedimentary finds are not simply mutating from one type of impenetrability to another; they are multiplying fiercely. In fact, the 2004 Best American a-holes positively swarm with them. It’s time to create a swarm-free space where Joan Houlihan's fuckin' greatness can evaluate them, hold them to account, appreciate or discard them. But how does an interested mewing do that, except by trying to go Bolshevik on them? That’s where the trouble starts.

Hal        "A discouraging number of reputable poets
               are sane beyond recall."
                                  --E. B. White
Halvard Johnson

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