Listening to Marty Robbins .. :)

Can anyone please Help ME!
I met this artist in Tokyo a few years ago, and had one of the strongest 
reactions to his work ever..
this guy was a genuine master, and his hungry ghost paintings were so 
incredibly beautiful
they brought tears to my eyes.. You have to realize I was in this very shishi 
ginza district gallery
ooh and aahing and asking to buy a catalogue.. and the receptionist was like.. 
You meet
the artist? I was like Yes.. She took me upstairs, and this small incredibly 
elegant older man in a
leather jacket was standing around with some younger looking artist types.. all 
smoking of course..
very japanese, but extremely cool.. I gushed something about "hungry ghosts' 
beautiful monsters
etc.. he smiled.. and had one of his assistants bring me a catalogue which he 
signed.. We spent a good
hour or more looking at all the work. it was like a retrospective, the whole 
gallery was full of his stuff,
and of course we got served tea in the gallery which I thought was nice. Anyway 
can anyone
tell me this guy's name. I think I found it out once, but I've forgotten and 
I'd like to know.
I may scan in some of the paintings from the catalogue if I can get his name.

When we met him
that same morning I had written part of this in an Asakusa Hotel:

Their shattered kotan hung near the fisheries of memory, where syphilis, 
measles made their uimam
and joined in the iyomante..

King Noshikosa of Shamokotan would not see the 3 grotesque dreams of Tokyo, 
and Kusatsu:

K: The Hag who seared her prehensile clitoris on the folding metal griddle-altar
become a portable "burden-amulet"..
T: The Television show where skateboarding teenagers dressed as sushi jumped and
cavorted in a fanciful skatepark
where parody "unkotraps" were made from icecream the color of coffee and milk
sprinkled with peanuts, swirled stylistically
into turd-like forms on the floor; contestants would literally "hit the shit" 
wreck in their brink pink and orange flesh colored costumes.
O: A dream of a succubus-like yurei of beautiful Oyuki who turns into the 
bald and disfigured Oiwa.

Three Monstrous Dreams= 3   Whenever there was a decision to leave, he would 

then reserve account: Gozen sanji no gangu (Toys at 3A.M.)

Bikky Sunazawa's _Aoi sakyu nite_ (In the Blue Sand Dune)

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