On Mon, 9 Jan 2006, phanero wrote:

The only thing I've read by brilliakooky klaus is his essay
Circles, Lines and Bits which I thought was marvelously eccentric..
His discussion of busby berkely and the rosettes of consciousness
the flowering drainpipes of ornamental symmetries as models
for an architectural harmonia or some such.. its excellent wiggy stuff.
rich scholarship..

i'll pick up the male fantasies book..

Male Fantasies isn't wiggy - it's meticulous unbelievably disturbing

btw which Lingis text should I get.. there's a bunch of them
is "Excesses" the best place to start.. there's another one called
Abuses which sounds sort of like an updating of Levi-Strauss'
Tristes Tropiques in a way

Not real TT, but I can see why you say that. He's the translator of
Levinas. I associate him with Michael Taussig. In any case, yes, Excesses.
Also Levinas' existence and existents -

Here's the Grotesque Studies Bibliography I am going to try and work from as

thanks alan

Thank you! - Alan

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