some say social knowlede
attenuation is

lemur pine
monkey kind

Carthage Flaubert defies

lizard cat Paduan
in bamboo tiger thicket

some what enter woven
knot come out dog
forth width

superimposed itself

on southeast district
Monkey Puzzle

cryptomundi tiger-dog

pine shadow rustling
Gibralter conifer glyptic

jade bypath curio
true gold curio comparisons

colossal green chrysanthemum headed lemur-lion
of true curio society
whose weight in gold
is a complicated starkness
a proportional skeleton
gnawed by pine-quilled hogs
in a porcupine-quiled non-explanation
of our birth results


this morose golden tiger-monkey-bamboo
whose complacent conifer
is Araucaria araucana,
Father Pine of
Alvaro, the man in charge
of the slaughtering and butchering,
who told me that it was his horse
that had been killed and that
now each family would buy meat
from him to take to the Nguillatun.

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