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Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 23:02:16 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Weather Underground discussed at postmodernist workshop

[An edited version of this paper is to be published in
New Politics, Summer 2006. See http://www.newpol.org for
information about the magazine. A previous message on
this topic prompted lively discussion, and readers'
thoughts on this would also be welcome. -- ps moderator]

Weather Underground, Redone in Pomo, Rises from the Ashes

by Jesse Lemisch
submitted to portside
January 27, 2006

I attended part of a January 20 "day workshop of
interventions" -- aka "a day of dialogic interventions"
-- at Columbia University on "Radical Politics and the
Ethics of Life" (see below for program). The event aimed
"to bring to light... the political aporias [sic]
erected by the praxis of urban guerrilla groups in
Europe and the United States from the 1960s to the
1980s." (See below for the postmodernist context
indicated by the language.) Hosted by Columbia's
Anthropology Department, workshop speakers included
Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers of the Weather
Underground, historian Jeremy Varon, poststructuralist
theorist Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and a dozen others.
The panel I sat through was just awful.1

What seems to be happening is that veterans of Weather
are on a drive to rehabilitate, cleanse and perhaps
revive it. (Consider, too, Bill Ayers's 2001 book,
Fugitive Days; also the 2002 film, "The Weather
Underground," which while well intended seems to offer
the viewer a Hobson's Choice between Weather and Todd
Gitlin! I didn't know whether to shit, or go blind.)
Despite the substandard product that Weather veterans
are peddling, a sympathetic response to a bowdlerized
Weather may not be so hard to achieve in the present
frustrated mood of the left. In addition, many
undergraduates, graduate students and faculty have been
infected by postmodernism in this, its terminal phase,
and therefore have little concern for concrete reality.
Weather can be discussed in appealing-sounding
abstractions, without reference to the destructive
inanities of their role at the June 1969 Chicago
convention of Students for a Democratic Society, the
October 1969 Days of Rage, the bombings, the bombing
fuck-ups, etc. (Nobody wants to talk about Bill Ayers's
classic September 11, 2001 New York Times interview
lauding Weather violence, published under the headline,
"No Regrets for a Love of Explosives.")

Bernardine Dohrn served up all the hoary platitudes
about the everyday violence of the standing order -- all
true -- leading inevitably to a justification of violent
response by a minority substituting itself for a mass
movement; at the same time, she offered a rhetorical
parenthesis rejecting armed struggle. Neither the
efficacy nor morality of Weather tactics were
scrutinized, nor any inquiry made into how you construct
a majority radical democratic movement by denouncing and
writing off the majority. Dohrn's defense of Weather
included the remark that in the face of terrible
oppressions and injustices, it is necessary "to do
something about it, it almost doesn't matter what." But
it does matter, if we are interested in building rather
than tearing apart a new left. Clearly, almost forty
years after the Weather disaster, she hasn't gotten it.
Indeed, she says that the actions of the Weather
Underground "made people smile."

Weather killed and buried Students for a Democratic
Society -- a catastrophe for the left. Dohrn passes
lightly over this, saying that SDS wasn't worth saving
by the time Weather came on the scene. An anarchist in
the audience made the important point that how you make
the revolution will affect the kind of revolution that
you get. Partly agreeing, Dohrn insisted that, while
underground, Weatherpeople not only practiced
participatory democracy, but also got closer to the
working class and to various minorities.

As I mentioned above, the discussion of the Weather
Underground lacked concrete specifics. If we look beyond
the abstraction to those specifics, Weather is a tragic
laughingstock. It's the postmodern mood that allows such
weird and empty discussion. How wonderful: we have lived
to see Weather's posthumous rehabilitation in pomo
hands. But we need a new left today, and the evasion of
realities of past, present and future won't help to
build this left.

There was much to laugh about, and much to weep about in
all this. But the funniest moment came when Columbia
anthropologist Beth Povinelli recalled that when she was
invited to speak on urban guerrilla groups, her first
thought was that her brother is a primatologist.


1. I don't think that inclusion as a speaker in the
conference necessarily implied approval of the Weather
Underground, nor of Weather. I have commented only on
the session I attended, where the speakers were
Bernardine Dohrn and Beth Povinelli.



Radical Politics and the Ethics of Life
day workshop of interventions
Columbia University Anthropology Department
Scheps Library Friday Series

January 20, 2006
9:30 am- 7:00 pm
614 Schermerhorn Hall

Urban guerrilla groups have brought into focus key
political and ethical questions about the relationships
between violence and humanism, violence and politics,
and violence and the ethics of life that have been
raised and remain unanswered since the October

This one day event will stage a series of encounters
between activists, theorists, and students in order to
bring to light and to explore the political aporias
erected by the praxis of urban guerrilla groups in
Europe and the United States from the 1960s to the
1980s. Up for discussion will be the relationships
between pedagogy and activism; law and resistance; race
and the struggles of black and white worker's movements;
and the relationship of the individual to law,
aesthetics, ecology...and an ethical commitment to
peace. What recourse to resistance do we, as citizens of
liberal democratic states, have when we observe those
states disregard and break the law and engage in actions
and tactics for which they have no mandate?

Join Bill Ayers (University if Illinois), Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak (Columbia University), Bernadine
Dohrn (Northwestern University), Georgy Katsiaficas
(Wentworth Institute of Technology), Panama Alba (Revson
Fellow, Columbia University), Sally Bermanzohn (Brooklyn
College), Felix Ensslin (Playwright, Berlin), Felicity
Scott (University of California, Irvine), Robin Kelley
(Columbia University), Ritty Lukose (University of
Pennsylvania), Elizabeth Povinelli (Columbia
University), Maria Koundoura (Emerson College), Stathis
Gourgouris (UCLA), Jeremy Varon (Drew University) and
students for a day of dialogic interventions on this
important question.


9:30- 9:55
Introductory remarks
Neni Panourgi?

Sally Bermanzohn and Robin Kelley
Facilitator: Jeremy Varon
Film: The Greensboro Massacre

Panama Alba and Georgy Katsiaficas
Facilitator: Maria Koundoura

LUNCH BREAK 12:30- 2:00

Afternoon Session

2:15- 3:15
Bernardine Dohrn and Beth Povinelli
Facilitator: Stathis Gourgouris


3:30- 4:30
Bill Ayers and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
Facilitator: Ritty Lukose

4:45- 6:00
Round Table Discussion
Participants: Felix Ensslin, Ritty Lukose,
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Felicity Scott,
Melanie Brazzell, Daniel Shaw, Richard Kernaghan
Facilitator: Georgy Katsiaficas

6:15- 6:45
Closing Remarks
Jeremy Varon

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