COURT GREEN 4 / Spring 2007

Call for Submissions
Dossier: Political Poetry

Each issue of COURT GREEN features a dossier on a special topic or
theme. Occasional or topical poetry is a fraught genre, but we live in
fraught times, and understand that poetry can be a way to negotiate
our relationship to the current political situation. For issue 4, we
are accepting submissions of poems that seek to expand the definition
or commonly held notions of "political poetry." All styles and
subjects welcome, but special consideration will be given to poems
that aim to explore and complicate rather than teach or hold forth.

Submissions of political poetry for consideration in the Dossier can
be sent through May 1, 2006 to: Editors, Court Green, English
Department, Columbia College Chicago, 600 South Michigan Avenue,
Chicago, IL 60605. Email submissions are not accepted.

Submissions of poetry for the regular section of the magazine are
welcome, in addition to Dossier submissions. If you would like to
submit poems for the regular section, our reading period is February
1-May 1 of each year, to the same address above.

Email me if you have questions.  Thanks--


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