Here's the quote Mr. R, It's from Simon Dwyer's "The Plague Yard" essay
which forms about half of his book _Rapid Eye Movement_, so there's no
telling how accurate this is. Sort of Situationist/Punk Theory stuff, kind of
out of the old Re/Search ethos.. anyway..

Leonardo [da Vinci] is listed as Grand Master of the Prieure de Sion
between 1510 and 1519. Also on the list are such notables as Nicholas
Flamel, Boticelli, Robert Fludd, Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo, and Jean
Cocteau. The list ends with Jean Cocteau, who is said to have taken
over leadership of the secret society in 1918 from Claude Debussy.
It is said that Cocteau handed over leadership in 1956. four years
before his death, to none other than Pope John XXIII.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Rothenberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 12:56 AM

thanks for catching Bromige typo. Yeah, Berkson chap is really satisfying
for me as well. He's a great writer a great guy. I think the chap came off
pretty nice. This issue is big but since I only put one issue up a year I
figure I better give everyone enough to read through so they don't forget us
right away. I'm going to check out some of your titles down there. Cocteau!
best, Michael
----- Original Message -----
From: "phanero" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 9:35 PM

you have David Bromidge at the top of this page
and David Bromige for the interview

both are real people, right, buts its Bromige I think you mean?

I enjoyed the Bill Berkson chap.. I only have/had one of his books
from the 70's.. I can't find it and I'm a little ticked. It was one of the
better finds at my friend's bookshop The Cosmic Squire in Wichita Falls
It was blue.
The only Bromige book I have is _Desire_. I like that poem Tall Portrait
which mentions somebody mimicking electroshock, and Cocteau.

I happ'd across a blurb about Cocteau being the head of a very old French
Rosicrucian sect
and that he handed over the helm to a pope.. strange..

anyway look forward to reading this when i can keep my eyes off my own
steadily piling up..

just got a book on the films of the vienna aktionists today
and one "The Mad Princes of Germany"
plus a great Sun Ra concert from Berlin sent by accident

feralhouse has a book on Extreme Islam which looks good
and the book
The Seven Addictions and Five Professions of Anita Berber
Weimar Berlin's Priestess of Depravity by Mel Gordon
His voluptuous panic is rereleased in an expanded
edition if interested also in Weimar culture

Thanks for filling in with some poetry
in my otherwise historically weighted reading list
except for Marianne Moore who i really dig
at the moment.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Rothenberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 11:46 AM

Big Bridge,  is pleased to announce its 2006 Issue.

FOR DAVID, Tribute to David Meltzer
A Festschrift on the Occasion of the Publication of David's Copy: The
Selected Poems of David Meltzer (Penguin Books, 2005)

Guest-edited by James Brook

Reflections, criticism, poetry, visual art, photos, music, video clips,
a complete bibliography -- the works!

Contributors include Ammiel Alcalay, Aya (with a poem by David Meltzer),
Micah Ballard, Todd Baron, Bill Berkson, John Brandi, Robert Briggs,
Cassidy, Michael Castro, Neeli Cherkovski, Maxine Chernoff, Clark
Sophie Dannenmuller, Steve Dickison, Sharon Doubiago, Gary Gach, Gloria
Frym, Jesse Glass, Tiffany Higgins, Owen Hill, Jack Hirschman, Josh Kun,
Joanne Kyger, Marina Lazzara, Joel Lewis, Christopher Longoria, Michael
McClure, Duncan McNaughton, Gerald Nicosia, Michael Perkins, Daniel
Pupko-Maizel, Ishmael Reed, Judith Roche, Jerome Rothenberg, Michael
Rothenberg, Victoria Sanchez, Steve Sanfield, Gerald Schwartz, Howard
Schwartz, Cedar Sigo, Dan Smith, Sunnylyn Thibodeaux, Christopher Winks,
Will Yackulic, and Karl Young.

Video clips (by Mark Palmer) include David Meltzer reading from "Shema,"
Gloria Frym reading from "Shema" by David Meltzer, Duncan McNaughton
"Morning Glories" by Shiga Naoya (translated by Allen Say and David
Meltzer), Joanne Kyger reading "Lamentation for Jack Spicer" by David
Meltzer, Diane di Prima reading "15th Raga / for Bela Lugosi" by David
Meltzer, Clark Coolidge reading from Beat Thing by David Meltzer, Michael
McClure reading "Nature Poem" by David Meltzer, and Michael Rothenberg
reading "The Blackest Rose" by David Meltzer.

And from the audio vaults, Serpent Power (with David and Tina Meltzer)
performing "Endless Tunnel" ...

Feature Chapbook: Same Here by Bill Berkson with Illustrations by Nancy
Victoria Davis

Blue Poets in a Red State: A Linked Verse--Hank Lazer, Jake Berry,
Mohatt, Derek Burleson, Billie Wilson, Charles Alexander, Sheila Murphy,
Lisa Cooper, Adam Clay, Michael Heffernan, Anne Waldman, Anselm Hollo,
Collom, Randy Roark, Michael Rothenberg, Vernon Frazer, Terri Carrion,
Lowther, Randy Prunty, Crag Hill, Francisco Aragon, Dan Grossman, Cole
Swensen, Jonathan Mayhew, Jim McCrary
Justin Katko, Andrei Codrescu, Claudia Grinnel, Skip Fox, Beth Ann
Selah Saterstrom, Aaron Belz, Jonathan Minton, Lois Grace Bauer, Matthew
Mason, Claudia Keelan, Jeff Bryant, Miriam Sagan, Patrick Herron, Chris
Vitiello, Heather Nagami, Rodney Nelson, Karen Joan Kohoutek, Mark Kuhar,
Marcus Bales, Jane Falk, Grant Mathew Jenkins, Clayton Couch, John Lane,
Ann Roripaugh, Mark Sroggins, J P Craig, Douglas Basford, Brad Elliot,
Wilkinson, Joe Speer,Jonathan Penton, Dale Smith, Donald Revell, Andy
Joel Long, Paisley Rekdal,            Jennifer Tonge, Cheryl Pallant, Amy
Ritchie, Racquel Yerbury, David W. Romtvedt

Some Volumes of Poetry: A Retrospective of Publication Work by Karl Young

First installment in a series of multi-genre essays based on publications
and organizational activities over 40 years of publishing, from mimeo to
web. This installment covers apprentice work in printing; books by Toby
Olson, Jackson Mac Low, bpNichol, John Taggart and others; creating The
Water Street Arts Center (parent of Woodland Pattern); Margins magazine
symposiums on Guy Davenport, Rochelle Owens, Diane Wakoski, Michael
Clark Coolidge, Theodore Enslin, Tom Phillps, Ian Tyson, and Joe Tilson.

Prelude, Investigation of the Recent Work of Vernon Frazer guest edited
Jonathan Penton includes interview, vispo, reviews by Jonathan Penton,
Kirpal Gordon, Stephen-Paul Martin, Ric Carfagna, and Dan Waber

The World Begins, A Visit With Tom Clark, guest edited by Dale Smith
includes poems, letter exchange between Clark and Dale Smith, critical
by Dale Smith and David Hadbawnik

Mother Slovenia, Anthology of Slovenian Poetry guest edited by Andrew
Lundwall includes Alja Adam, Primoz Cucnik, Svetlana,

Makarovic, Novica Novakovic, Iztok OsojnikGregor Podlogar, Tone Skrjanec,
Jana Putrle Srdic, Uros Zupan

Wales Song, Anthology of Welsh Poetry guest edited by Graham Hartill
includes Ian Davidson, Lyndon Davies, Peter Finch, Penny Hallas, Graham
Hartill, Ric Hool, John Jones, Phil Maillard, Ian McLachlan, Fiona Owen,
lloyd robson, Zoe Skoulding, Zoe Skoulding and Ian Davidson, Chris
Christopher Twigg

Iraqi Ice Tea, Tom Hibbard's Epic Journal of The Second Iraqi War

Seven Samplings of Minimalist Infraverbal Poetry guest edited by Bob
featuring Richard Kostelanetz, endwar, Karl Kempton, LeRoy Gorman, mIEKAL
aND, lyx ish, Geof Huth, and Jonathan Brannen

Poetry: Nate Mohatt, Rodney Nelson, David Plumb, John Roche, Lynn
Erik Sweet, Anne Tardos, Mike Topp, a. d. winans, David Bromidge &
Denner, Ed Baker, Ira Cohen, Norman Fischer, Christien Gholson, Giles
Goodland, Michelle Greenblatt, Julia Istomina, Tim Keane, Joel Lewis

Fiction/Non-Fiction with Bobbie Louise Hawkins, Michael Hettich; Halvard
FjordAnn Bogle, Shira Dentz, Kirpal Gordon, Stephen-Paul Martin, Stephen
Moran, Carol Novack, Seth Phelps, Lynda Schor, Steve Starger, Mark

Reviews and Reflections: Maggie Dubris reviews Not Only Love: New and
Collected Poems 1975-2003 by Richard McMullen; Kirpal Gordon: Entering
'Clear Pool School' of Poetry: Reviews of Eric Paul Shaffer's Lahaina
and Jordan Jones's The Wheel; Anthony Hunt: Commentary on the writing of
Genesis, Structure, and Meaning in Gary Snyder's 'Mountains and Rivers
Without End'; Marie Kazalia: sameness in the luxury of being: A review of
Suckers by Joseph Farley; Sheila E. Murphy on brain:storm by Michelle
Greenblatt; Charles P. Ries on The Babarians of San Francisco - Poets
Hell; Big Bridge recommends Jack Collom's exchanges of Earth and Sky;
Apikoros Sleuth; Derek Whites, The Singing Fish

Art: Collage Retrospective from Paul Grillo, Photography by Darren Holmes
and Marcela L.

Little Mags: Features ART:MAG; Black Spring; Clara Venus; Court Green;
Factorial; Golden Handcuffs Review; new, International Visual and Verbal
Communication; small town; Spore; Vanitas; Wandering Hermit Review;
Wildflowers,Woodstock mountain poetry anthology

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