heh.. maybe a pic of an endangered local flower or animal
would be better.. we have this interesting rock rodent up here
that i've actually seen and its so pretty, and incredibly fast
it looks like a mouse with rabbit ears sort of, or something like that.

i just liked this old strange adventures cover. i'm trying to go back
and pick up a few of those. i usually only go to the comic book store
about once a year, and i always get the old dc comics w/ "mystery" or
something like that in the title.. sci-fi or spooky, the last time i also
got a "House of Secrets" and a "Haunted".. The House of Secrets
is a 12c issue with the character "Eclipso" who is "Hero and Villain in
One Man".. This issue has "The negative eclipso".. There's also
"Prince Ra-Man: Mind Master" who is projecting a giant maroon
hand to block what can only be described as a molten blue electric
airplane fish with metal mouth tentacles.. these comics are the
choicest!!!! The Haunted issue is "Beware, Here comes Shutan!"
Which has this incredible gothic fountain set high on the top of  a
castle, and a kind of, well, what to call him, a "demonic gentlemen"
kind of a dark elf but wearing like a fedora and a flowing black rain
coat with a big leather belt, brown trousers and knee high leather boots
and a big burly cane with a steel knob which he brandishes ruthlessly. he's
coming down a staircase to a giant stone devil head with water
pouring from its lips...  heheh its a Charlton comic .. from the 20c period

I liked this one especially because of the Charles Stross novel i read
a few months ago where alien collective consciousnesses trades in uploaded
minds as currency/drugs

which i like because of a dream i had as a teenager of a similiar thing
involving using people as cards or some such they were in these stiff
suits and rolled in cartwheels into a vaporization tank.. I think the aliens
were huffing human smoke like taking a bowl. can't remember
exactly. anyway, i like to try and remember old dreams from many years

my 'insane' cat has come into my room. i havent even seen her in weeks.
poor thing is so crazy.. cant get close to her..

thanks for looking at the ugly thing! i think when i put the sem circuit
on there it kind of overdid it, some stuff got covered up that i wanted..
i always screw something up.. you can still barely see the hypotenuse
pharoah with his mentula stuck into space.. what's that old adage
"space exploration is sexual exploration..." Is that a surrealist thing?
Did I dream that? which kind of makes me think of
tom thumb's nights:


Thanks, Peter..

----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Ciccariello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 6:09 AM
Subject: Re: the book of space

...huge on the side of a building.

-Peter Ciccariello

-----Original Message-----
From: phanero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent:         Mon, 6 Feb 2006 05:15:11 -0800
Subject: the book of space

 bdbdbd, a a a

:s-aid siamese lavinia to androidicuss coriolannus
with a hop and a fart, "cherish the protean fluidity we have.."

the book of space is a living treasure..

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