Amazon News
Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon

Amazon News is a weekly information service provided by, the largest bilingual site on the Brazilian Amazon region, in partnership with several Brazilian media.
Its publisher is Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon, a Brazilian non-profit and public interest registered organization.

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New models, old problems

The news this week:    

To Ibama, timber companies that block the BR-364 are protesting against the Environmental Crimes Law - 02/15/2006
Radiobrás - 02/15/2006

First stage of the Amazonia Program, which is to define strategies for the region, should be concluded today
Radiobrás - 02/15/2006

Forest Business - Organizing in associations aids in the production of native cocoa - 02/14/2006

"We will suffer retaliations from the WTO due to environmental and social problems linked to agribusiness", states Lula - 02/14/2006

Government intends to exclude locks from Madeira Complex, states Dilma - 02/14/2006

Under a concession, tolls on the BR-163 would cost R$ 900 - 02/14/2006

Lula establishes a 6.4 million hectare Conservation Unit along the BR-163 - 02/13/2006

Inpe study concludes that the Amazon River is the largest in the world
Radiobrás - 02/12/2006

Situation unchanged since the death of the missionary, says coordinator
Radiobrás - 02/12/2006

Next judgment of people involved in the murder of Dorothy Stang is likely to be in April
Radiobrás - 02/12/2006

Area of conflict in Anapu invaded
Diário do Pará - 02/10/2006

Federal Police initiate first stage of removing obstructions from ecological station in Pará
Radiobrás - 02/10/2006

Indigenous peoples from Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia criticize oil companies for socioenvironmental damages
Radiobrás - 02/10/2006

Forest Business - Low-cost machinery for handicraft production - 02/09/2006

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