one night i had a dream
a strange occurence
dark and mean
a dream about our leader's fall:

the executioner has put on
his best red velvet hood
his smart tuxedo
looking good

the axe is shiny
curved in space
to part the head
with loving grace

the leader's chains
clink on the wood
his face is proud
what a weird dude

the redcapped masses
howl and pitch
but the executioner
will make no glitch

no missed attempt
no sidling glance
this human chicken
will not dance

this wretched pilot
was taken down
proletariat promethu
rage unbound

but at the last
the executioner sighs
unbinds the leader
and slaps his thighs

he slaps his head
he slaps his mouth
he slaps his face
he slaps his pout

the leader weeps
and the audience sighs
what the fuck
is up with this guy

now do you see
how all this feels
we don't want this
on our "real"

the leader nods
he understands
the executioner
shakes his hand

you work for us
not for our things
we want to help
not murder kings

the leader sobs
the band strikes up
a doggy prances
a newborn pup

a woman sings
in high clear notes
the nation cheers
and casts new votes

the moral of this tale
leader is this
don't lie to us
or we'll be pissed.

then I awoke
and was frightened still
I am some strange bloke
I need a pill.

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