Nice ... there's an old RCA VHS camera at one of the galleries where I
work/ hang out, that creates burned after-images and tracers and such.
I'm trying to think of something interesting to do with it. Short films
(few minutes) with kind of atmospheric guitar effects as a soundtrack
... ah! Now, that would be interesting, to have some dancing trails and
ambient music. Kick me if I do anything derivative ...


Alan Sondheim wrote:
Absolutely - I asked her to do this; she's one of the Swiss dancers I'm
working with - Alan

On Tue, 14 Mar 2006, Brent Bechtel wrote:

Interesting dance and fall ... something you filmed?

Alan Sondheim wrote:
origin and corruption of digital trembling

incorrect aspect ratio in all forms
Maud Liardon establishes time and dies

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