Grants...?  Are there grants for this shit?

Oh.. crakcs... right...

grants are the tomblestones of teh dying gorgon...
which dont meaN i'M AGAINSt sharing the weal.

Oh, yeah, we're doing that .. right.. got it.

YOU guys have no fucking IDEA what it is to write wiht
no money behind you.... ora place outside.

I'm just happy for wifi... I need some stimulation too
ya know.
Now shut the fuck up and write.

--- Vernon Frazer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I thik a lot of us on this list fall in the cracks
> between established categories. I had a job, so not
> getting grants never kept me from gettig my work
> out. Grants would have made my life easier, but I've
> made my own way workingout of a modest pocket. As
> far as not being this or that, it's not my concern.
> I just do the work. After being told I didn't fit
> into this or that category, I just dropped out of
> the process. Why let their little boxes stop me.
> Yeah, the grantss could have made my life easier and
> brought me
>   some attention sooner. Now, I know the game and I
> jsut don't see the pont in wasting my time to fill
> out forms for people who don't konw what the hell
> I'm doing when they read it. mIEKAL is right, Alan;
> you have more freedom this way. Of course, it's nice
> to have the money to live on. But you're an
> original. Keep on being one.
>   Vernon
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