I still have the file,
but maybe I'll post something
new instead. Kara and I
were at a costume shop
where I was trying out
a fantastic bright pink
brocade 18th Century dandy
costume. They wanted
like $250 bucks a day to
rent it. There was also
a rabbit head that had
the look of a grim old
god, instead of peter
cotton tail. Well, we
ended up with two venetian
carnivale masks. pretty
nice, both cloth board
with sort of a low white
fur. One is the standard
human face, the other
is the commedia dell arte
plague doctor mask which
looks sort of like a big
nose or beak. not sure
what to do with them yet,
and I really wanted to do
a kind of little film
using the heavily brocaded
and patterned dandy suit
while wearing the rabbit
head. the idea was this.

I read an article about
viruses being perhaps
part of the fundamental
construction of life
called unintelligent
design. today i was
brainstorming and came
up with the idea of
viruses being a sort
of transcription space
for the early protists,
like a kind of storage system
albeit one which was completely
random and unconscious.
at any rate, then i started
to re:consider endosymbiosis
and did a search for
viral endosymbiosis
which led me to Bell's
theory of Viral Eukaryogenesis
which places virality
at the nucleus of the

so anyway, and very sorry to
ramble like this, i thought
since part of the rhetoric of the
'intelligent design' theory
was 'man is like finding a
pocket watch in the forest'
that i would connect that
to the Alice in Wonderland
Story, and maybe have a
grim dandy bunny god hiding
pocket watches in the forest

or if that seemed too pro-I.D.
I would have the bunny find
the watch but it would be broken..

or maybe the bunny would rape
alice, kill her.. something brutal
and unintelligent

or stick a pocket watch in her mouth
i dont know what

anyway i hadnt really gotten
out of the brainstorming phase
and was just trying to wrap my
mind around how a film like
that would work, how to make
it able to question both sides
of the argument in less literalistic
terms than "does God exist"

not even really sure i want
to get into any theological
questions, but as religion seems
sort of part of the social dynamic
these days, there may be something
interesting about interrogating
those structures..

i like the idea of a promiscuity,
a protean unconscious (ie a kind of dreaming)
like a witches cauldron or hindu cosmology

and the rabbit represents that
"omnisexual" promiscuity of forms
by "omnisexual" i want to reflect
the polymorphous perverse but in
a way opposite to say a Hegelian
progression, this is a capricious
god, an insane grim dandy god
whose reasoning is monstrous
and enacted through monsters
caprichos.. so instead of 'intelligent design'
and Christo-hegelian-Rationalistic-Linear-Telos
we get a sort of Teratological-ontological-non-linear
primordial caprichos world where as in Goya
"the sleep of reason breeds monsters"
but here, various forms of 'reason' or
in our more utilitarian and clipped modernism
the 'rationale' which sounds like 'organelle' become
equally monstrous to one another, ie
the historical grotesque..

as if somehow the agencylessness of things
could come to be a holiness, a form of the divine

if people could understand
the miracle of that
how OPEN the universe is
to our TOUCH and yet how
unstable, how frail

which rings very zen to me

i am stewing on this all morning
just want to get something going

i post picture of clean white plague doctor
mask from venice

i have lovely mask from venice
i love mask

thank you Smaragdina Osirimadoanna

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